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About kitten

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  1. mario on supernintendo is the best <3
  2. I think the media is killing music and nowadays music is like sh1t cause honestly.. the tracks from the 80/90's were much better we still havnt found a replacement for micheal jackson :O
  3. kitten

    ANIME !!

    NANA. for more action hmm.. i'd say.. Code geass was quite nice.
  4. lol i remember l2 extreme got fucked and then later l2paradise got screwed it felt like the end of l2 private servers somehow..
  5. I think you just shoult upgrade you're comp to vista since anyways sooner or later xp will be useles.. like windows millenium or 2000 or whatsoever
  6. lol i'd love to make a sh sorc and sps in 1 sub lol.. but its only.. a litle dream ;/
  7. kitten

    Your Location

  8. Ofcourse Devil may Cry 3 :)
  9. I was wondering why no1 is talking about dota.. i quite liked playing dota
  10. omg, is it me or??? OFCOURSE EVERYONE LOVES LINEAGE ;D
  11. 1. Lineage2 2. Age of empires 2nd 3. Warcraft 3/ Dota 4. Devil may cry 5. Guildwars ehh the rest isnt really important to write i just got a top 5 xD i like the normal nintendo games mario sh1t and zelda etc but and worms but lol to make a top 10 about that is hard :p
  12. Ehh its like giving you're computer xtc pills poor thing forcing it too much.
  13. Zone alarm cause its free :p
  14. MMPO - L2 RPG - FF 7
  15. Thanks allot im really curious about gracia
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