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About darkpele

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  1. [glow=red,2,300]LineageColiseum.es & l2Destiny.net[/glow] http://lineagecoliseum.es/ there are the server form lineagecoliseum community server Coliseum High Rates ------------------- *Rates xp:250 sp:300 adena: 10000 Enchant: 70% Blesed : 80% (no broke weapon become to +0 if failed enchant) Safe Enchant: +10 Max Enchant: +30 *Features: Datapak: l2jColiseum (private proyect) Geodata & Pathnode: Epilogue Server Client: Epilogue *Development Features -Hero in subclases -Heron infinity weapon Enchanted +25 -Private stores in golds(other coin that isnt adena). -Custom Farming Areas.(Normal and peace zones). -Vote Event Engine (every two hours) Allow use ItemBuffer in event. *TvT 4Teams *DM *CTF *Trivial *Raid -TvT 2 always at 00:00 and 12:00 spanish hour. -Multikill System (won rewards killing your enemies more than 5 consecutive). -PvP/Pk Rewards. -Free ItemBuffer (on char creation). -PvP items can be augmented and atributed enchanted(Custom feature not in retail). -Multisell no check Stacktable. -AntyWalker. -Anty hlpx. -Anty Dual Box(in olympiad, in multikill in pvp/pk rewards). -Custom tattos with stat bass(STR,DEX,INT,CON,WIT,MEN +1). -Custom Title char Creation. -Custom reputation area. -Custom Framing Areas. -Custom Raids Boss. -buff time: 3 hours. -26 slot +Divine inspiration. -Custom Npcs. -class change and subbclas withot quests. -Max sublcas 7, Max subclas lvl 85 -autolearn forgoten scroll skill L2Destiny Low Rates ------------------- *Rates xp:5 sp:5 adena: 7 RateDropItems: 4 RateRaidDropItems: 5 RateDropSpoil: 30 RateDropManor: 3 RateQuestsReward: 10 RateDropQuest: 50 Enable Vitality System Enable Enchant Drawft System Enchant: 66% Blesed : 75% (no broke weapon become to +0 if failed enchant) Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: no limit *Development Features -Heron infinity weapon Enchanted +3 -Vote Event Engine (every two hours) DisAllow use ItemBuffer in event. *TvT 4Teams *DM *CTF *Trivial *Raid -class change and subbclas withot quests. -Max sublcas 3, Max subclas lvl 85 -TvT 2 always at 00:00 and 12:00 spanish hour. -Multisell no check Stacktable. -AntyWalker. -Anty hlpx. -Anty Dual Box(in olympiad, in multikill in pvp/pk rewards). -Custom Title char Creation. -buff time: 30 min. -buff slot 20 +divine with the books. And more enjoy. http://lineagecoliseum.es/
  2. any question?
  3. hohoho that's nice guide
  4. use bushine version from nod 32 is the better
  5. nice but nod 32 is better do not conflict with gameguard
  6. I created a item that summon NPC, but when I use item the NPC spawn until the next restart. I need the NPC would be deleted in specific time. A friend told me that use this script in core for delete NPC, but i dont know where must put and i think is incomplete: // Por Creado Ashitaka e Implementado por Eggo static class DespawnTask implements Runnable { L2Spawn spawnedNPC = null; public DespawnTask(L2Spawn spawn) { spawnedNPC = spawn; } public void run() { try { spawnedNPC.getLastSpawn().decayMe(); } catch (Throwable t){} } } // and this: ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new DespawnTask(spawn), 600000); Someone can help me? Thanks Sorry for my english
  7. I have problem with this in mi server always do ctf if all people vote tvt do ctf if all people vote ctf do ctf i dont know where is the error. some idea?
  8. please can put only the code that add to the files? if i see the code that you add i can adapt to my datapack version
  9. mm I have problem with this in ct2 rev 1.2.10 have new tagle in characters vitality point if I put more value for - statement.setInt(52, getObjectId()); + statement.setInt(52, getVoteCount()); + statement.setInt(53, getObjectId()); I an do this because if i put + statement.setDouble(52, getVitalityPoints()); + statement.setInt(53, getVoteCount()); + statement.setInt(54, getObjectId()); value 54 is out of range max range is 53 if i delete this and delete table in data base these generate an error in gameserver what I can do to adapt this for the last rev
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