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Everything posted by SilverWolf-IaB

  1. I try to use this in my l2jfree 1.2.6 and the item give a critical erro to load the itens!!! I think that need some customizations to l2jfree.... anyway, it was great man, congrats for the share! Tks
  2. Yeap, doesnt work in CT2... but tks.
  3. WOW.... it was perfect!!!! Tks a lot Strike, im using your pack too... it was very perfect... Tks!!! =)
  4. Tks spokerakos, ill give a look in your NPCs.
  5. Hey Kazeno, Can you explain how can i put Reflect Damage in one NPC? I know that isnt your post, but i think that have a relation. I have a problem with my NPCs and i would like to return the dmg to the players that try to hurt a NPC. Tks!
  6. =( i never will have 200 post in Gracia part 2... hehehehe... I would like to see that... maybe 50 posts are a good number to hide then.
  7. Cool.. it was great. tks !
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