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About DarkKnightCZ

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  1. access denied, do you have installed jre? you run it on windows, run it with admin permissions
  2. check spawnlist table, edit respawn time
  3. i still dont get that type of texturing in UDK, god bless 3DS Max :) is there anyone who can "style" object for me? :) (i already have the object (.ukx) and materials as images)
  4. Hi, i was wondering how to make new npc with new texture i know how to edit utx files and other stuff one thing i dont know is how to make the "shape" of the npc for example, if i want to have npc with block shape (little bigger than normal player), with four different sides and "roof" (scaling like 4:4:7 (x:y:z)) how should the whole image files look? thank you for your advice
  5. Sparadrap: if you use l2j, its already commited in freya (and the working and latest version is on l2jforum)
  6. yes, i got it, but now i figured that it doesnt have texture for that damn kamael (he could wear heavy too), so it works, anyway, thanks for your time
  7. yes, that i know but i want to have everything like the old items (so this should work, but it isnt, it has icon, it has drop texture, it doesnt have "wear" texture)
  8. eeh, i dont think i get you for example if i create Dark Crystal Breastplate {PVP} so i add new item into itemname-e.dat and new line with same info as Dark Crystal Breastplate with new ID into armorgrp.dat so it has same icon.armor_t74_u_i00 and icon is allright, but when i wear it, its grey (new rows for armorgrp are here - http://www.zalinkuj.net/txt_export/1uYq2H6.txt ) so there should be no problem, but it doesnt work
  9. what pack do you have? is there table called accesslevel? if yes, just edit commands you want to accesslevel 0, if not, you have to edit java file
  10. fokys: no it isnt :) if you see that, it means that something is wrong lets say your gameserver succesfully connect to loginserver (paste loginserver log and end of gameserver log - 10 lines) do you have all ports open?
  11. ubuntu or debian, it is like the same (ubuntu is 90% debian) of course server edition dont choose any linux like gentoo, it isnt made for servers...
  12. hi, i added six new armors, but similar to old one i added ids, names and descriptions to itemname-e.txt, also i added id etc. to armorgrp.txt (same as the old ones) now it has icon, it shows, but it doesnt have texture, so what file do i have to edit for success? :)
  13. no it isnt possible (due to different files)
  14. do you have website on the same server as l2server? if not, you have to allow other ips i posted it already -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=172955.msg1337732#msg1337732
  15. mysql -u root -p database_name < sql_file.sql the quickest way
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