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Everything posted by chomikpl

  1. mayby l2 Nilfgaard its x200 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=265401.new&ckattempt=1 but as far as i read it will have mid rate settings :) but they didnt announce beta testy yet i think it will hapend shortly :)
  2. Could you share a link to this newest version?
  3. Lol its working for me. I'm using Chrome based web browser.
  4. I was looking for good int server and i found that project that is in working progress but they estimated a time of start :) Info is copied from this web site :) i think i will test this server :) WebSite: http://www.l2plains.com.pl/ Rates: XP: x20 SP: x20 Adena: x60 Drop: x15 Spoil: x20 Futures: -GMShop till B grade -Buffer with 2nd class buffs -Buff time - 1h (but Cov like buffs are setted to 30 min) -Luxury Gatekeeper -Class Master (1st 100k, 2nd 1kk, 3rd 10kk) -Subclass without quest -No Auto Learn Skills but u dont need SpellBooks -Mana Drug (works like herb its regains you 20% of mana each time) -No Tutorial Quest (basic No-Grade items on start) -Custom noblese quest! (You need to go to BS and kill shamans without taking Quest from Wesley, then you trade 500 mss for letter) -and much much more!!
  5. Basically its a retail like server with some addons like gmshop and basic buffer, but to me exact: Web: www.L2Rocket.co.cc Rates: XP: x15 SP: x15 Party XP/SP : x2 Adena: x30 Drop: x5 Spoil: x10 Addons: -GmShop to C grade -Buffer with basic buffs -PetBuffer with basic buffs -all buff time is 1h -auto events -Subclass without Quest -NO special armors or weapons
  6. im getting this error over and over again. what i did wrong? "Warning : SPAMMING AUTHENTICATION We were unable to verify your login. Either your login information was entered incorrectly, or the account system is currently unavailable." and in debug mode i have this messege: "Your configuration file contains settings (root with no password) that correspond to the default MySQL privileged account.Your MySQL server is running with this default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security hole." but i have password on mysql... and change it in config.php file... oo and my port 3306 is open...
  7. its on Dedicated server but not a superb one. ITs becouse i want to see if ppl like it if not why spend more money right?
  8. WebSite http://l2asylum.zzl.org/ Info: Rate: XP: 75 SP :75 Adena: 175 Drop: 2 Spoil: 5 SealStonesDrop: 15 Enchant: safe: 4 max: 20 Chance: Normal: 70% Blessed: 75% Crystal: 90% Other Info: Full GMshop (NO grade, D grade, C grade for Adena - B grade, A grade, S grade for Adena + Ancient Adena or Mats! you will need a Crafter and Spoil ) Full Buffer (2 buffers. one normal and one scheme buffer) Max Buffs: 30 Buff timer: 60 min Full GateKeeper No weight limit No lag No corruption 2 Adena spots 3 Farm Spots (one with no PK) Augument 100% Raid Bosses 100% Custom Rebirth System (up to 3 rebirths) Champion mobs Clan Hall: 100% Castles Sieges: 100% Clan Skill: 100% Olimpiad: 100% Quick nobles Quest Auto Loot Geodata: 100% Pathnode: 100% Fun Events Wedding Priest Class Changer
  9. try to reinstal mysql
  10. server can have 300ppl and still be sh.ty... u have to test server for about 1 day
  11. Lineage is coping from WoW and WoW is coping from Lineage ;)
  12. if 3 subs then WC,SR,Warlock, ES or tytan
  13. palladin with angelic icon xd
  14. Passive is better on multiclass servers ;)
  15. Crystal Dagger Mortal blow
  16. thx good work m8
  17. thx good work m8
  18. Warlock.... then Spectral Master
  19. Crystal Dagger : Mortal Blow
  20. low hp fast pvp xD
  21. i think that too
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