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Everything posted by Lavos

  1. I tried a method and i think it works(or i am just a lucky bastard) Ok..so i get more ench in my inventory(at least 2) I click on one(left click) Activate it(again left click) Select the weapon Almost click ok Click cancel Fast click right on another scroll and select the weapon and ench After this close your inventory and walk a little bit(a few steps) and after this do it again If it is good then i am glad that i shared it with you If not then it's not my fault :P i didn't say it will work 100%
  2. I like every place in L2 But i think that the best are cruma tower 1st floor(good all 1 man army time),LOA,Ice queen castle, caron's dungeon( old times on infinity500x) and many other
  3. Could you explain a little bit this one? Seems like a nice method at least for rising the success rate
  4. +1 I like C4, C5 and interlude Everything from Kamalol and the other ones above are crap
  5. Best augument i had was empower lvl 10 and focus lvl 10 on a bow The worst :-? let me think ....it was active: escape(/unstuck , soe).....
  6. 2-3 weeks?? Be serious...I got about 90% of all rewards in 1 week and went to the center of the Universe to find that evil civilization(forgot their name), actually found them but when i wanted to start to attack them i had problems with my planets and i realised that it would be almost impossible to finish the game without losing some planets and deleted the game The best part was the cell stage ;)
  7. Hmm I tried this method but it's not so good It's better to move after each enchant(i think so)..something like ench>move>ench>move>ench but i don't guarantee nothing
  8. I'm not sure I made weapons and jewels but with armor and tatto it doesn't work I don't think that it is from the server It's with multisellchoose and i modify the 5th set of numbers(characters)
  9. Yeah Sometimes you know that the weapon will break but you still ench and break it ;)
  10. This works only where gb is a quest item and not in the normal inventory
  11. I need some help I managed to make on a server weapons +++ But when i try with armor i get only the normal ones I bought the weapons already +++ from the gm shop But when i try with armor i modify the same thing and i get still +0 What could be the problem? PS. i use only to make +max
  12. What videos? From which part of the game(intro,cinematics,other)
  13. Guys i found a server where l2phx works and i managed to make some weapons+++++ And when i tried with 1 armor i just got the normal one from the shop.. what could the problem be?
  14. I'm not sure but i think i have a 6 sens for enchanting :P I enchant a weapon and when i feel like it will fail i stop and after a time i enchant again Made lots of weapons this way
  15. L2 legend was very nice Good pvp and lots of ppl online but 1 corrupt gm made it the worst
  16. Hmmm I didn't try this...i though that i have to go and finish all my memories but i had to format my HD and lost the save game....
  17. I guess that the big secret will come in Assassins Creed 2
  18. :)) Very nice pics Waiting for more and better
  19. Nice but it would be even better if someone would make a lineage 2 windows theme
  20. Advertise,vote for it,be nice to everyone who enters the server(don't pk everybody) ,help them farm until they like the server then start the war>they will call for help and after that you call you friends
  21. I hope too that there will be part 2 and i think that they are working already on it because of the end of the first part was open. I though that i have to get back in the animus but then i saw the credits T_T
  22. Depending of the server and the server owner If a donator gives a lot of money to the server and the admin gives him super power than non can stop him But buggers own too....
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