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Everything posted by Sido

  1. thanks, ill use them for my server. please make more :D
  2. lol'd i wanted to say "s...x" quoted from the post made by EvE . the part with fail remain in my head from other posts, sorry / corrected.
  3. +1 @galaxyman , but .. it "s...x" because they lunched an "100% ETA" and they didnt succeed it, anyway the day didnt ended so... till 12:00pm lot of things can happen
  4. source: http://l2jarchid.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=2&view=findpost&p=440
  5. setekh,sau alt cnv.... stie cum sa fixez oly la archid rev 1292 ? ... daca pierzi mori astfel incat poti da town si la sf meciului tu castigi punctele... ? va rog frumos :(
  6. sau nu mai ocoli subiectul si dane niste info despre archid IL , ca acush ii 25 :D
  7. inca 5 zile pana la archid IL :D :X :X :X app , pana la urma dati si un free vers :P
  8. mai am si eu o problema, daca este cineva de ma poate ajuta. am avut un antivirus+firewall . lam sters 1 data, lam pus iar, si am fost nevoit sal mai sterg odata. acum cand doresc sal instalez iar imi spune ca este deja instalat si daca doresc sal sterg sau sa anulez. selectez "sal sterg, si nu mai face nimic, dispare acea mica fereastra cu intrebarea si gata.... stie cineva cv ?
  9. its Epilogue lol. look at time line http://trac.xp-dev.com/L2Archid/timeline , intrepid work in it so is clear thats not IL at least.
  10. lol. will be a "good one" if NCsoft will make L3 EXACTLY (All, towns , quests, items , ALL) like L2 just with better graphic / animation :))
  11. prv me, i know somebody that can help u :P
  12. legi facute prost. politaiu o incurca si e vina "doamnei". el a fost chemat sa potoleasca spiritele, a facuto, dar nare dreptul sa loveasca . inca odata , legi facute prost.
  13. totusi, eu sunt in cautare de developer :)) cine vrea sa lucreze nonprofit doar pt un admin si lauri :)) datimi un PM. vom avea si noi donatii mici.infime, si facem 50/50 .. adik eu o bere... tu o bere... si atat ca nu ne mai ajunge de alt cv :D
  14. so no finished project, but u still say that THEY are the only one who will fail in making a project even if is not IL. so this is some kind of flame imo, and i proved u that ur totally wrong. 2nd. i like IL more then gracia, reason: simple, for ppl who will say that why i stop on midle of L2 and i dont want to play it all, till is finished. ill tell them that, actualy i play all L2 feature, IL has them (speaking about Last L2 chr./thr. or w/e). i dont like kamaels, i dont like vesper or dynasty or icarus. they are the same, give more P def / M def / P atk / M atk. and skills give more P def / M def / P atk / M atk so or Draconic, or Vesper on its chr. is the same for me... 10302103 skills and ill still use 2-6... more lag at Sieges, i dont have NASA pc. to be more precise here i play all features of last l2 chr, i like. i like more C4 then IL , but i still play IL and not C4, cuz its newer and last. and i wont play gracia for now cuz is kinda other game. (if u get my point)
  15. but can u tell me first 1 finished chronicle ? with all retail feature ?
  16. yeah, but they kinda dont hide. they say that they are newbie ftm. as much time they are friendly, helpfully, free, work and keep the project alive. why should i care ? i cant do even that so ... and im not the only 1 trolling forums to make a server bugless as possible. im not aggroed (if is write writed) by the flames trowed on this project, im just disgusting by the "big words" from pro ppl (and im not saying they are not) but why they dont make a project ? 1. they will fail too 2. sh!tlude ? 3. lol'd
  17. wen i said this, i didnt referred to l2j developing. i meant in general, all u learn. u learn from somebody, u copy it first. dont tell me u discovered how "to do" all u do right now.
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