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Everything posted by Sido

  1. si daca nu inteleg requestul sau nu e ok, tu-mi spui sa-l caut pe pm sau sa fac alt topic la general ? wtf meng... o alta solutie ar fi sa-l ignor dar dupa incep astia sa faca spam. ill try both.
  2. of course, but it will be a vertical sig, any problem with that ?
  3. daca imi arati unde e spam-ul sau offtopic-ul eu imi trag singur una in coaie.
  4. suparati ca le-a luat-o deli inainte cu masoneria :))) peste 1 an nu mai auzim de el.
  5. despre ce vorbesc eu, ce îmi spui tu.... clar
  6. spui doar jumatate din ce gândeşti şi aia în termeni pe care e clar că eu nu-i folosesc şi te aştepţi ca eu să-i înţeleg? gtfo
  7. atunci nu înţeleg ce pula mea rumegi cu juma' de gura.
  8. tu zici să fac un ppd în colaborare cu o companie?
  9. adică să fac un site despre ceva, bullshit fără să vinzi ceva nu ai de unde să scoţi. psycho, help u know.
  10. google de forever alone am plin de matrimoniale şi porno
  11. aha, dacă iese banu să mă anunţi.
  12. wut? thing are moving, slow but they are moving.
  13. cmon meng, he had an inspiration. after all xdrac is doing is thing fallowing tutorials (maybe on the current staff he don't need 'em anymore but still some of his sales are old as fuck) and i doubt that he didn't had any inspiration at all. srsly now :)
  14. there is a pack of l2 characters shared somewhere around, find one that suit with your character and give it to me, then tell me what you want to do with it (such as: add hero glow/weapons enchant etc etc)
  15. i'm sorry but that's not a render. render stands for elements with no background (as iandre gave), anyway... i will try to make smth out of that but i doubt that it will be the one you wish just because your request is kinda stupid, srsly. a better way was to give me a clean character with no foking glow and let me add those just because i can't remove the bg out of the glow now. plus the size/quality of the image is very low... not to talk about the bg, you could find a cleaner one. you just gave me a shit and expect to get a functionall machine out of it. but still... i will try to make smth out of it....
  16. @dragonu n-a zis nimeni ca nu :P ha acum m-am uitat si eu pe afis, gnom sambata in ct, (mai exact vin-samb) doc/vd/deli/gnom/carbon/sisu/etcetc lista e lunga :D si am prins bine si programul, putina fortare o sa fie sambata dim la munca =))) dar nu conteaza
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