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Everything posted by Sido

  1. imi place logica lu' nervos, e egala cu 0.
  2. Ai ajuns sa-ti dai locul din rai pentru un trai mai bun, Sa iti vinzi sufletul pentru ceea ce n-ai acum, Mirosind a mac imi spui ca esti cel mai bun, Traiesti in prezent insa viitorul este acum.
  3. and we are spamming a report spammers thread =))) ?
  4. well said, applause. because there were money involved for each update the dev made on his server, cmon... u forgot how much ppl payed for IL projects in the past ? and most of them were the same, same shit same garbage same lie. not to mention the "preconfig. packs" if aCis was back then mxc probably didn't exist today. or his activity was much more decreased. ps: the truth is always dramatic.
  5. after last night talk that we had, and talking only about ur forum improvement cuz I wanted to do a share ALOOO I WANTED TO SHARE SOMETHING guess still nobody cares about shares so I don't get why you still create such topics, maybe you want to create activity with complaints..... anyway after you showed me how much you care for the above thing I talked about I decided to not talk anymore on how you should improve, and this 2 are my last posts about. not that you give a damn about. have fun.
  6. ahahahhhahahajajaja. THE STUPIDEST THING I EVER HEARD. So you are saying that we do shares just because we like it? hahaha no..., fuck no, in the beging ppl did posts and shares in order to get karma and post count to be able see other shares. to make it possible for lazy asses, Maxtor introduced special ranks, for community currency or real money. with time, this forum became real active = profitable for ads. but NOW that system died and ppl are interested only in those bots that register because of the high rated site as activity. better said, the ads. but this kills the forum since those new members are not active (nothing to find here) and don't post (same as first). if you want to change this you must offer them shares and to do that you must give to those who make shares a reason to do it. ftm you just refused any possibility to that by restricting the forum. maybe ipb gave you a way to improve but you are not using it cuz you are hungry for money.
  7. i wanted to do that but i can't because of forum config so i talked with maxtor and he said that is enough how it is. what should i say more =) ?
  8. ii cam prost maxtor sau mi se pare mie ? stau si-i explic ca vreau sa fac share (share ce a avut 8 pagini de "thanks") si nu vrea sa ma lase =)
  9. gold wannabe ? lick lick lick.
  10. http://top.i-live.eu take a look, add your server, get a bonus (15 Euros + Premium) !!! ;)
  11. wuuuuttt ? i wanted the link >.>
  12. heh... the topic can be now closed.
  13. dupa cum te exprimi inteleg ca tu stai atat ca tu vrei atat, nu ca te obliga sefu'. prin urmare nu vad de ce te plangi.
  14. adica 2 saptamani jumate ai lucrat asa si vei lucra 1 luna, iar dupa ? probabil niste libere grase.
  15. da, imposibru 12 ore pe zi in fiecare saptamana, in fiecare luna, tot anul.
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