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Everything posted by Sido

  1. if some would care things would move, so stop being an copy and do your part of the evolution.
  2. haha i know what "lf" stands for but i were fast writing from phone so did not checked it back.
  3. no custom, nice website and using my vote buttons ? seems interesting :D anyway... i kinda don't like the safe +5 keep it up and good luck.
  4. oh, i didn't know that he sells banners.
  5. sorry for doing english in ur gr topic(you can report me for that) but everything is propaganda now days and there will never be equality between us as long as you will be humans.
  6. this thread is for me, to improve my skills but also a help for those that can't make it. ppl that just want to see if i can do better than what they got in order to use or just to see how good i'm are in the wrong thread for sure, this is NOT a CNC topic as you can already see. so... as you already stated, you can do it on your own + you did not respected my form, this mean your request is dropped. can't understand why drac should be mad on me, i got no intention nor time (not to talk about my low skillz compared to that tut's eater) to take his position. only some banners sellers might be mad for losing 3 clients lol
  7. pm me with a proof of your ''thing''
  8. this is an old/epic/survivor topic which got changed due new mxc policy. that's why it got moved (on my request) on market section.
  9. I'll do 3 banners for 3 different ppl on w/e theme they want. The size will be standard 550/80 so if you can't find a use for this size just avoid asking a banner and let other that might need it to do it. Also i avoid doing random stuff that's why i will ask a proof of the thing you want to advertise via that banner (via pm if you don't want to make it public) Yes the banner can be animated but limited to a total of 5 rows of text from where 2 will be the "thing" name and the "end words" (aka the last msg/ex: Join us now!) Fill this form with your info: Theme: (gaming community/lineage2/wow/gta/hosting/etc) Animated: (yes/no) "Thing" Name: Last words: Msg 1: Msg 2: Msg 3: Ps: keep in mind that on that size i can't write a wall of text.
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