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Everything posted by Sido

  1. ba =BIP= =BIP= ce esti =BIP= =BIP= si =BIP= =BIP= sa sti ca =BIP= pana cand =BIP= =BIP= oh.... wait..... ai dreptate.
  2. eu nu vad nimic, decat niste pasarici, uite un pasaric.
  3. updated. i guess this is the last info needed :)
  4. updated. also ill try to find out if he port from spawn to spawn (in the order u walk till the last room of fog) or is random.
  5. >:( ba trance ce nu lasi videou sasi faca viewes, il pui si tu rpd....
  6. nop :P ill be happy if you will have success and keep it up :P
  7. is from dex 4x for sure, but you should remove it imo, first its from hellbound. second, it makes ppl believe that is the server, i know this is "market" but still...
  8. thanks :) ill do more of this kind guides. well the maps are from google xD and i added more things i needed. http://www.gamesquests.com/guide/maps-forge-of-gods/lineage-ii-the-chaotic-chronicles/9,1 and do search for "FOG map" or "CATACOMB MAP" in google image (adding also lineage 2 somewhere in the text if is needed) :)
  9. I dont know how many of you searched for some help in this case, but i needed last night to know few things about this quest and i didnt find many info's on the net. Well this is a more detailed part, and its only about the FOG Q, the one from IT ill add it later. So lets start, first of all you have to go in FOG, If you are nobless or you have any other method to port in lower fog, then doit and skip to the second map posted here. If not, you will have to go at FOG entrance (from Goddard Clan Halls port, or maybe u got a GM GK, and if not... just port in hot springs from Goddard and walk till there) and after fallow map 1 till map 2. Reaching lower fog, you will have to talk with the npc marked on the second map. The quest name is "Gather the Flames" from NPC (Blacksmith) "Vulcan" and you must have lvl 74 After u did that, you can kill every Mob from fog and get your quest items ("Tourch" ). I prefer the zone with red marked mobs on map 2. just because they got low P def and M def, and they are resistant only to fire. With a full buffed nuker with B gr. on him you can farm pretty easy there. Vulcan ask you for 1000 Q items, but will give you a random S recipe. So you better farm for 1200 and search for (Blacksmith Wind) Rooney where you can choose the rec. you want. His spawn locations are the green marks on the map. After i camped the npc, i conclude the fact that he stay 20 mins in his spawn. His next spawn will be the next room (considering the path from entrance to last fog room) So if u wait him 7 hours and 30 mins (maximum, it can be less) in 1 spawn place, its impossible to not find him. http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/6122/shot00004xn.png http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/7565/shot00005lm.png So have fun and good luck :)
  10. nu era cv la regulament cu... ?? eu nam :/
  11. singurele avantaje pe care le ai cand iei host de la o firma sunt: -iti asigura schimbarea pieselor daca se defecteaza -uptime nonstop -protectie -puterea de a contacta politia daca esti atacat sau alte tampenii in rest preturile sunt mult mai mari comparativ cu ce primesti. mai exact, ai putea sati iei un pc identic si sal ti up mult mai ieftin, dar protectia si politia nu prea le ai asigurate.
  12. daca te uiti dupa 4 minute, asai.
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