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Everything posted by leon5676

  1. mia xara...omws dn einai lineage 22,einai lineage 3 : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=101988.0
  2. good for newbies,keep up.
  3. Thanks for posting this,I needed this one :)
  4. EDIT: SERVER OPENED http://www.l2alagaisia.tk
  5. ty,redman.join us and ofc vote for us!
  6. I am BigBrother XD I just used that nick some years ago and though i could use it again. P.s Vote for us!
  7. I fixed title I will explain right now.
  8. I am making this post to inform you about the creation of a new interlude pvp server which is here to stay. Have a Nice Month Btw. L2Alagaisia Armors Gm Shop Buffer Scheme Buffer Cheap buffer Class Manager Remote Class Manager Kiki with everything you need from consumables to Quest Items. Skill Enchanter Npc Custom GateKeeper with All Zones. -Custom Zones- Farm Area Farm PvP Area Raid Boss Area(Still Working on it) Blessed Scrolls Area Adena Zone Balanced Classes Medium Difficulty Farming,not high stats in armors Pvp+Duel System ; CP,Mp and Hp Pots allowed in pvps and duels.All skills allowed. Augement System 28% rate in skills 32% in base stat. Fast Olympiad Matches. Olympiad System Working 100% Heroes are announced on the 1st of Every Month Experienced Gm Staff And Advanced Developing Walker Protection -Enchant- Safe +7 Max Armor/Jewel/Tatoo +25 Max Weapon +30 Rate With Normal 78% Rate With Blessed 82% -Rates- Experience x500 Sp x500 Adena x500 Drop x10 Gms are able to help you when they are in /gmlist L2j Dot Latest Revision with updated jar files we updated by ourselves. Website : [move]http://www.l2alagaisia.tk[/move] (We will change domain soon...) Don't forget to vote for us!!!
  9. nC guide,m8,but some things are different in my eclipse.(i did it by thinking a little bit though xD)
  10. If developers etc were good,I would play.Also depending on the rates etc
  11. nC share,helps newbies
  12. no,it will be ready in 2011
  13. I didnt say this is l3,lol.I just make fun of room209,and "experienced" player. gough gough
  14. Lineage III by Room 209 Room209,an experienced player,thought that lineage3 is possible. ;D Robes give mdef.Rings(Jewels) give pdef and matk. :-\ Weapons give pdef and patk.Tattoos give speed and matk. ??? There are new skills such as beg gm for items and GetALiFe. :o By Fate ;) P.S : This is not lineage III.Lineage III will be out on 2011.Anyway,i think it will suck :S.I just make fun of room209,a player from l2cyber. lol :S
  15. It actually does work.L2j Interlude,right? ;) As for photos,no,I won't upload any. If anyone tested this on his server and has got a screen,he could give it to me.
  17. Guyz,no pic available,but this jewel shop is good (except stats,you can edit them if you want to)
  18. TOPIC SUCKS. GR SERVERS FTW.flower=noob
  19. Server is online for 1 day and there are 10 ppl online. ;/
  20. All servers are rpg servers if you think a little bit. RPG=Role Playing Game
  21. Guyz,sorry for server being offline yesterday.I had to fix sth.
  22. I just opened the server. :S Website edited so you can find the page "How To Connect" more easily. ;D
  23. http://www.l2fantasyrpg.tk Sorry,I will add it right now :/ Edit: WebSite AddeD
  24. Welcome to our server,L][Fantasy Rpg. http://www.l2fantasyrpg.tk http://www.l2fantasyrpg.tk Low Rates x100 With an augement you make,there is a 20% chance that you stuck a skill to your weapon. You do not drop anything if you have karma below 200. Olympiad 100% Working Hero Skills 100% Working (Valor 19 minutes) Custom Mp Pot Refill Fully Supports C6,C5 and C4 skills. No custom items 50 Max Buff Templates 5 Max AntiBuff Templates Easy Noblesse(Caradine's Letter) Gm Shop Buffer with all the buffs you need Tattoo TraDer Pvp Zones Experience Zone Everything is ready for you to join! ;D
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