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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. noooo admin dont tell us this...T_T...we are losing a beatiful server for a machine..that's unfair..:/
  2. first..write all in english...second:where website is?...
  3. lets hope together...for all l2kings funs!!!:D:D
  4. u can fix this..u must insert HOST or use a program which i dont remember..on mxc english section u should find a guide to fix this problem...i'll check for u :) edit:check this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21467.0..hope to be helpfull:)
  5. yes DeathWhisper have a 800x server with stucksub system...try it ;)
  6. i think and i hope that l2rulex will pwn Aion :D...anyway i didnt tried aion till now..i am waiting for european release and for a unofficial server(to 1 yearxD)...but it seems good..so i vote L2!!
  7. someone lock this topic..as rules says..on Private Servers section u can't post in Greek language..or i am wrong?O_O..(or modify it)
  8. i think that..if these "donations" will be apply u'll get full of donators or 0 players playing..come on donate for stucksub skills or subclass...:/..anyway i hope that this server will be good..i am going test right now :) after test:i like it..but please,cant u make one npc for all customs?or make 3 npc:armor,weapon and accessories/tatto...i am a bit confused in giran..XD
  9. i am looking for this type of server too:D...someone help us:(
  10. oh hell yea..get a new server machine and open this beatiful server...WE WANT SERVER BACK!! //holydaytime...i'll be away and i hope that for whn i come back(3rd or 4th of June) i'll see this server rocking again and open...;)
  11. i Hope that this server will come up again..but i can't help about server machine..someone check and help us ;) @drogata:anyway we can't play for now with this PC?:/
  12. Ehya admin..i am happy to see that u are back..i hope that u find again a good server machine and then us will go back to play on this wonderful server ;)
  13. NO GREEK on this section...lol...
  14. my name in game is Vergil,i'll try to explain u the problem: a guy killed me,then i pressed TO VILLAGE but the game got DC/block and i closed L2..then i started again l2.exe>>ID and PW>>login..start...then i am in giran,stucked and when npcs appears the game block..:/ i'll try to make another char and test,named Silver edit: problem solved only in Giran..now i tried to go on Farm zone(here i had no problems yesterday) and now i got stucked here..is a problem from the server ?:/
  15. Admin please help me..from when i got teleport to Giran(safe zone)..now i am stucked here,i mean that when i Log In now my game stop running and got block..then i must close it :/..it's the first Gracia final server where i get this problem..any idea?
  16. GOOD server Join!!:D...friendly gms and nice customs...about lag i think its from ur ISP because i didnt saw any lag:)
  17. WRONG SECTION..u must write this topic on [request] section :)
  18. first edit ur title:[interlude l2j(i dunno what u use)]L2Eclipse...second:add more info if is needed(and i think it is)
  19. ITS A GOOD server anyway..join :)(awesome armors O_O) just a thing:how can be that there are more than 1 sps(example) as heroes?there is a special system to be hero?
  20. what about make PK-KILLERS?especially on FA zone..new players cant farm because of super-hyper-heroes full equipped that pk them everytime...or make a safe zone...is crazy damn... till u'll not balance this server..i'll think that is one of the worste i'd played...ALL PLAYERS IN 1 CLAN...and ALL HEROES..wtf
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