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Everything posted by Cloud

  1. this will not be a great thing,u have to(i don't tell u must) offer to players same chances as donators,if the tattoo of power will be donation-only this will make donators unbeatable or at least very hard to kill and players will leave.Gl
  2. there are too much guides at jfree and don't tell me that jfree isn't more hard to understand..anyway about SVN yes i ignored this guide because i thought that was useless..now i'll start all again from the begin by reading the guide and follow each guide..i'll report if i did success
  3. didn't see,anyway means:"cmd" is not identify as a internal command/esternal command,a startable program or a batch file..sry for the home made translation:)
  4. What u mean Intrepid,is ENGLISH lol..i did start the cmd command for compile with maven and i get errors...i just ask for who know how to fix this problem(god this jfree is hard-.-)..anyway can it be that the project must be checked out as maven project and not as normal even if i get error about jdk etc?
  5. any solution for that? Microsoft Windows XP [Versione 5.1.2600] © Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale>cd D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Des ktop\L2JFree Server\l2j-commons D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server\l2j-commons>D:\Progr ammi\maven\bin\mvn install [iNFO] Scanning for projects... [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] Building l2j-commons-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT [iNFO] task-segment: [install] [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}] [iNFO] Checking for local modifications: skipped. [iNFO] Updating project files from SCM: skipped. [iNFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "svn --non-interactive info" [iNFO] Working directory: D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree S erver\l2j-commons Provider message: The svn command failed. Command output: "svn" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno, un programma eseguibile o un file batch. [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] Cannot get the revision information from the scm repository : Error! [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] Total time: 1 second [iNFO] Finished at: Sat Jan 09 17:48:03 CET 2010 [iNFO] Final Memory: 12M/243M [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "cmd" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno, un programma eseguibile o un file batch. D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server\l2j-commons>cd D:\Do cuments and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server\l2j-mmocore D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server\l2j-mmocore>D:\Progr ammi\maven\bin\mvn install [iNFO] Scanning for projects... [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] Building l2j-mmocore-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT [iNFO] task-segment: [install] [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] The plugin 'org.codehaus.mojo:maven-buildnumber-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] Total time: < 1 second [iNFO] Finished at: Sat Jan 09 17:48:03 CET 2010 [iNFO] Final Memory: 5M/243M [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "cmd" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno, un programma eseguibile o un file batch. D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server\l2j-mmocore>cd D:\Do cuments and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server\l2jfree-core D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server\l2jfree-core>D:\Prog rammi\maven\bin\mvn clean:clean [iNFO] Scanning for projects... [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] The plugin 'org.codehaus.mojo:maven-buildnumber-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] Total time: < 1 second [iNFO] Finished at: Sat Jan 09 17:48:04 CET 2010 [iNFO] Final Memory: 3M/243M [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "cmd" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno, un programma eseguibile o un file batch. D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server\l2jfree-core>D:\Prog rammi\maven\bin\mvn assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true [iNFO] Scanning for projects... [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] The plugin 'org.codehaus.mojo:maven-buildnumber-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iNFO] Total time: < 1 second [iNFO] Finished at: Sat Jan 09 17:48:05 CET 2010 [iNFO] Final Memory: 3M/243M [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "cmd" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno, un programma eseguibile o un file batch. D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server\l2jfree-core>
  6. if u mean the folder tool on the trunk "buildall.bat" i understood that sometime ago.If u mean that i must use another compiler like NetBeans tell me.
  7. i read it,but i didn't understand if i must use maven directly or eclipse with maven or checkout all the project and then creating server by my own.. I AM NOT LAZY-.-
  8. so u mean that,even if it tell me this error,i checkout the project files and then compile with compiler (first time.bat etc)given by jfree?
  9. the compiler tool work if i got the files..how i get jfree commons etc before?:..
  10. well fixed but,now after i changed the jre/jdk installed http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/426/installedjdk.png it still keep saying me that maven is running in a JRE..do i have to add again subeclipse+ajds fix+maven plugin for let maven work with jdk? @Intrepid:G.Final
  11. well but i want to build it with eclipse and maven plugin inside, so now i set java home correctly(need reboot) but i have to add maven variables even if i want to build with eclipse? and how i set different path for eclipse?java works now but eclipse search it in a older location.
  12. i'll see Zeeyo and i'll report if i'll fix it:) btw i saw now that i forgot to modify the variable java home path when i reinstalled java(i thought it was bugged),let's see it it work.
  13. well guys i started to build l2jfree in eclipse by installing maven plugin.I installed subeclipse,fix for ajdt,maven plugin and all went fine but here is the problem:i get this error when i do right click on trunk of l2jfree for example commons,after half sec it show me this: http://img519.imageshack.us/i/mavenproblem.png/ .Here are my installed jre/jdk http://img704.imageshack.us/i/installedjres.png/ and i installed the jdk dev kit from here http://img519.imageshack.us/i/jdkinstalled.png/ ..on vista i didn't had this problem maybe because i was using JDK Bundles version but now i don't remember which one should i use..in conclusion,i understood that what i downloaded isn't JDK and is jre,is that true?shi*** problem:/ thx u all waiting for answers
  14. well,rush..personally i want that l2king user understand that he must learn better english before open a server ecept if he wants only his friends there.And to learn something more about developing a server,not because i don't think that him knows java,but because on latest days we saw 2,3 servers with wannabe admins with 0 java knowledge saying:"Java?i'll not need it".That is the phrase that will make all players leaving(ecept naabs)..am i wrong?
  15. Nice,rly nice^^ anyway we must decide which ice armor is better,there are a few but this one is maybe the best i think.
  16. why should we request for lock?is always a server and till(very soon) it will go down,we can't:) anyway a failed wannabe admin first should learn basics for make and develop a server oh and MUST learn english-.-
  17. it's the kind of server that i like:D mid rate+customs;also i don't think that i ever seen this egyptian armor,let's try this server:) and the admin has 25E for the website^^(it isn't a insult,but a lot of wannabe admins open failed servers for 1 week with ucoz lol) edit:from when is the server opened?players online?
  18. 9/10 imo,even if there is something in the name style that look a little bad,but it's a great,rly great sign.)
  19. YOU just C-O-P-I-E-D the whole website and stole their server's name:L2Relapse! i guess that u are just a kid without life that think that managing a server is a game,it ISN'T.Go play and get a life lol!
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=103755 i do not need this topic anymore,lock:)
  21. oh man,why to copy L2Relapse REAL website and name also?what u expect?to get people by this way?i'll tel you how to get people: -Shutdown your server -Say sry to relapse's owner(differently from you,he pays for his web lol) -Learn english anyway gl,but i really think that the server will die in max 2 months.
  22. l2 will die with the world's end(not fucking 2012,is a shit-.--)..is the best mmorpg atm even if someone can tell that WOW is better,but wow's graphic sucks even with a good pc
  23. i'll request to lock the topic,i don't need anymore because i am playing l2+fallout 3 for now..anyway i wait for Crysis 2(i played Crysis+Crysis warhead and them are just amazing) with the new engine^^ and for Assasin's creed 2 PC edition(is not out yet for pc)
  24. are new kind of skills made by (crazy and good:P) guys of la2base.Enjoy them:)
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