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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. test
  2. I love the logo o.o its really well made to be honest, keep it up
  3. aurio prwi douleia -.- meta ma8imata pfff, toulaxiston 15 plironome kai 8a kanw upgrade to wow
  4. Lekino (i like the whole outcome, background would be better but, oh well): Voqus (same like Lekino's but the render would be better to fit the theme): FinalGod (Don't use so much topaz again, it ruins the sign):
  5. It's not the best place to open a conversation about skill levels and ranked, but anyway, it matters also what role you will play, if you are a good mid laner but you suck at jungle ask kindly your team to swap roles and explain them why. For example, i suck hard at top and jungle but i think i am decent support for my elo ( dask and snoopi carried me at gold at s2 but after the reset i climbed even higher) . So you have to "master" and play 1-2 roles ( your favourites )
  6. itan ena paidi ekei kai eixame paei, auto to stratopedo einai apla terastio :p
  7. Noble Finitost NeverMore
  8. loled at my 2nd pic xD
  9. fantastite na to eixe kanei pakistanos ti 8a ginotan :P
  10. den vlepw to legendary board pote :-beep- yeah:
  11. kanw login simera kai evlepa ena topic, 3afnika vlepw auto to colour kai lew dafuq pira promo? :happyforever: telika pataw profile kai vlepw legendary :troll: justice
  12. auto itan to color p eixan oi gmod? gamaei! :happyforever:
  13. xronia polla paidia
  14. i got 2 skins without a problem, trusted seller
  15. :gtfo:
  17. like the video says many will claim that this is a normal task, but not when you are playing against PRO players :P btw tsili had 600+ creeps
  18. he is trolling, he was a diamond player on season 2
  19. nunu + miss fortune
  20. auto to lene Strike, sta 3 tros ban :P feugei mono ama stileis epistoli apo dikigoro oti to video sou den eixe kerdoskopiko logo
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