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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. den 3erw an 8ewrite neo alla.. zesti polu, apaleuti
  2. ta idia pramata paizoun edw it seems
  3. vre vre
  4. polu drama
  5. mporw na dw to video gia na katalavw to mege8os apo to logotupo?
  6. • Sofaki - it says she is femcee and she won a battle against Tupac and that's why he died. hahaaha i still remember it XD
  7. :good sir:
  8. :poker face:
  9. :LOL:
  10. mpou
  11. SAO - KIRITO BREAKS THROUGH WORLD TREE GATE | DEFEATS EUGENE SCENE you can have sex with this scenes btw i like the tag but like they said it doesnt fit the theme
  12. He spams twice on some topics for example here http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=247725.msg2423475#new
  13. 1: Most Popular User : Justice 2: Funnier User : Vazelos 3: Active User : Noble 4: Spammer : Finito 5: Top Shares : Setekh's 6: Most trolling : Dask 7: Most Hated : -none- 8: Most loved : none, i treat everyone equally 9: Most Missed : Coyote 10: Most loved moderator : xDrac i think
  14. We are a small community with a few people who like creating signatures. If we got inspired from each other then this section will fall in abyss once more like it does everytime. ( Like when we used to create Borderless signatures cause of one guy i can't remember the name ) That's why the name of those pictures is SIGNATURE, it's something you will see and say it's made by Escordia for XXXX
  15. I never said he stole my idea, just i change often my styles since people tend to overuse them and make them boring. I always try to keep a UNIQUE style from other people just for that solo reason.
  16. there is no c/p at photoshop, everyone is getting inspired of something. If he made that by himself then its HIS work
  17. if you got inspired by this: then yes it was my idea since i made that tag :P
  18. That was my idea :( anyway for RC: you should make the dimensions smaller, plus the frames are slow, you should speed them up cause they seem really laggy overall i like Rosalie's version the most
  19. Escordia


    Animated sign for Rimeo thats all :3
  20. new eimai den me 3ereis
  21. l2expert
  22. new name!
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