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Everything posted by BROFTW

  1. Akomi k i giagia m to ksere afto prin 40 xronia
  2. Proto tetramino : 15.1 , ana8ema na ksero pos ine ta vivlia sto eksofilo Deftero tetramino : 16.4 , eki ta peksa , oute kani agiksa tin tsanta ke me anevazun , p na diavaza kiolas ...
  3. what's the point , the enemy could just accept and he will easily kill u when u will be thinking of spamming trade/pt/frndinv
  4. @™SuGaH. I've got 1 question , what worked ? It's just pure l2 mass farming. Btw i would like 2 suggest primitive island (but u have 2 get a sws / bd or ur gonna die) U must also have 1 elemental sumoner 4 reuse on major heal or a sub-skill celestial on glady Try not using tyrant coz glady has the self buff that increases dmg on dinosaurs
  5. Since its an C4 - C6 relaited topic and a bit outsider, i would like to let u know 1 more working on C7 ++++
  6. Y , 2 things , over the body is a lvl 79 skill , not lvl 81. And 1 more that i think it would be more helpful , u can use imperial crusader instead of doom heavy after having used tallum.
  7. Well , tested on my cardinal on zeus , not working Final result : i was on inquisitor stance but w/o enlightment. Char tested on : xAlen Class: cardinal 83
  8. Ah ff , apo p na rxiso . La8os topic , afto p les den ginete, sxetika me to copy kane search gia dublicate items , + an ipirxe kati tetio 8a 8ele kana ekatomirio karma, opote ksexnato , telos la8os section filarako...
  9. Describing skills by c/p is not a guide . There are missing classes so change ur title (soul breaker , berzerker , arblaster , inspector ) If u wanna do 1 c/p do it right and delete those (/edits) Btw , put some color in ur life and use it on forums , it would be easier to read.
  10. Lipon , ta hero weapons exoun special effects , px. To Infinity sword exi chanse gia hex sta criticals , to infinity bow gia slow , to infinity rod gia critical heals, Boris na epileksis mono 1 , den 8a xalouse kanena na ta exi ola .
  11. Tested on Zeus by bishop 79 , not working .
  12. Lipon prota ap ola ( meta bazis kati ektos apo weapon k armor kai na metriete exp:Healing pots k tetia ) -> Stuckable items legonde , k kati alo , an er8i kapios gm/admn ke s pari xabari , ase ton ftoxo sti mira t ? :P Edit : Btw dose mas to name t server p to dokimases.
  13. K na ise siege , k 8a s teliosun ta cp pots sto proto dekalepto . + Dn ine trick ine macro, to l2 st dini etimo.
  14. He could equip S duals +4 and increase the max cp/hp , that means that you have 110% hp and the other guy has 100% , you win... Btw edit ur signature , if she was redhered it would be better :P
  15. Its not a trick bro, just another quest with reward -> 2q q items It's pure l2 as a legend said once.
  16. Im suggesting you to get some hero dual weapons of all types as customs since they remind me of my first days in l2 long ago before i started playing low rate srvrs. Btw if i were u , i would edit all B grade armor sets, they look awsome and especially doom hv.
  17. kamael ofc ,especially male sh . he is preety dificult for some of us since he is a fusion fighter + mage class but sh is unbeatable by all classes they also have style. people say human and human and human . they are strong c race but w/o enough skills to beat 1 sh
  18. i would prefer smth new and not the same as ever ,mos and hb. toi , forgotten temple or even outside of d.elven
  19. the crit error i get isn't on that topic...
  20. Den to ftiaxnis , alazis packet ke gine i doulia se 30 min
  21. Hack lover and pikka , you guys ask about the server that he means ... The site is this http://l2g-oldschool.com/ and it has about 100-150 players .
  22. @5) Hmmm min ise toso sigouros se afto ;P rikse mia matia edw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNDWQGx9dMw
  23. Dine esi lefta FoGaReL 8a xi o alos o vlks o admin t mafia o dimis p xi mazepsi ola ta pedakia na agorazi eksoxika ke kotera . An pai o ka8enas san ke sena na kani donate tosa lefta aftos 8a xia lefta gia mia zoi.
  24. Hmmm kati m lei oti milas gia ton TG . Anyway , c3 itan ka8ara oloi pvp ka8os ixe arketo kozmaki , idika sto aligator ke antharas lair , otan egine C4 arketoi strafikan ston rpg , opos ke ego. RPG ftw !
  25. Dite tin imerominia tou post ke min kanete undig . @on topic ( ligo akuro ) i grami tou enchant bori na fortizi griroa omos prepi na perimenis to normal xrono gia na gini + to item.
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