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Everything posted by retghy

  1. Have anyone yet found out how to log in using OGG walker? I have tried several things posted here but no luck. I guess i have the wrong Token. Any help would be very apreciated. BTW IG Walker works perfect.
  2. Too bad, some servers already found the fix for this, L2x is one of them :( no more Zombies :( (That was my way to refer this exploi zombie Patch ^^). The weird thing i noticed with new l2x update is that they do not replace de Nwindow.dll file, so the thing now is server side controlled. :(
  3. check the source page, they have posted the way what to hex in nwindow.dll in latest pages of allcheats.ru Thank you, Maxtor. I`ll give it a try using worldlingo, because my Russian is null :(
  4. I thought that post in any language other than English was Ban :S I just dont understand a single word here. Maybe in english, spanish or portuguese i would but not that.
  5. Works very good on C4 L2Off, Too bad that you cannot keep buffs with this exploit. I have seen ppl doing this exact thing but they also keep buffs, it is possible just dont know how. :(
  6. retghy


    GMs in this server are completely nuts, specially one called Scorpie, all my buffers got jailed and the only excuse was they all had same IP (couldnt believe she said that). Anyway, the funny thing is i wasnt even using walker. I tell you this for you to be carefull in this server. What they do its teletransport you and see how much time your characther takes to spawn, if u appear right away they assume you are using WALKER. Crazy ppl. I know Walker is 100% text based, so no graphic load time, but some computers are also very fast. Have fun... Oh and to keep post on topic, Walker still works there. But no item stack, no buff stack, no enchant exploit using walker as far as i know. :(
  7. Cr0ca where did u find that version of l2walker? Can u give us a link? thanks in advance.
  8. using walker in L2J does not allow to move because Walker use commands of the arrow keys and as far as i know in L2J they are disabled....
  9. retghy


    For some reason they went back to using 530 protocol, so enjoy while it last, Happy Botting. ^^
  10. There is a post about this in the forum already, you are not the only one who needs this. Before comming here asking for help that way, at lease try reading other posts. About using walker n pvpx server, we need the release of the new patch, otherwise ull have to try protocols one by one untill u find the right one.
  11. retghy


    We just have to find the new protocol version used, it can be tricky if they dont put a new patch to download, only way left is try and fail. The bad thing is the range could be very wide...we could be all day testing...
  12. retghy


    Well i think they changed Protocol or something else because u cannot use OGG since this morning, after login in successfully and entering the char you get a failure...
  13. retghy


    I have used the same Token as L2Extreme, and protocol for this server is 530, i checked it myself. You will need a good auth emulator in order to login successfully. After managing to get walker to work in this server i found there is nothing actually usefull to do with it, NO item stack, no buff stack. And if u use it to heal yourself it is simply too obvious and u will get your ass banned. If anyone knows any good trick or helpfull tip, let us know please.
  14. Doesn`t work on L2Extreme nor L2-pvpx. Just tried, with no luck. Seems already fixed.
  15. retghy


    I manage to login but after that, this is what I get: 11:18:53 www.nudl.net 11:18:53 òðóëÿëÿ 11:18:53 Link LoginServer Succeed. 11:18:59 Login LoginServer Succeed. 11:18:59 服务器[01]当前在线率:36.50%,能否登陆:能 11:19:05 Link GameServer Succeed. 11:19:06 ->Login GameServer Fail. Is that a Token problem? or Just protocol? Please someone with more knowledge tell me if i only should look for a new token or just try diferent protocol number.
  16. Port is 2106 and protocol number is 656. Hope that helps.
  17. Yeah, its an easy server, but what about having a nice Bot Bishop Watching your back Healing you? Thats what i want it for... And still, Im able to log in but after 1 min inside it get disconected...
  18. Yes, we have the same problem when trying to access echokinetics server, like Aganhim said in a post before, is really hard to find the correct Token for this server, thats what we need. :(
  19. Yes it Does. But you will need the right token to make it work. I recommend you Aganhim Bot collection.
  20. As I said, it does not work with www.echokinetics.com. :(
  21. I have tried this on www.echokinetics.com and it logs in that is true, but 1 minute after u get disconected... Havent tried on other L2J servers though... I found this info some time ago in a russian website. Thanks anyway for posting, maybe it work for other server.
  22. Have you tried doing something yourself? Did u even try? What error are you getting? Ppl here dont like post like that just asking for this and that.
  23. retghy


    It is so hard to understand that in High Rates Servers bots are also usefull? If u can have a Bishop following you healing and healing, u could be invincible. You see the point now?
  24. Ok ok, all my chats got banned what do i do now? shall i wait or tell a GM?
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