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Everything posted by panadolextra1

  1. u need a server emlulator to activate onthere options like ss os atack.
  2. hm ,i do not think so becouse the ogg ver wark but everithing it is possible,i see whit my own eyes on dragon srv
  3. ok i will upload tomorow on my site the hex that will work 4 u
  4. find an older versioan of the ig version,pthe 1,47 is for c4
  5. LOL man ..search on the forum about what the guys post about dragon, not just "I NEED"
  6. A little fun with model editing. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK * 1. Launch MyWacraftStudio. * 2. Open Patch.mpq. * 3. Navigate to world/wmo/PVP/fence. * 4. Extract these to your desktop. The correct directory structure should be like this: world/wmo/PVP/fence . If you have to, you can create it yourself. * 5. Open wmo.mpq . Find a small .wmo file and extract it to the same folder as above. Once you have extracted it, you need to rename it as follows: Alliance fence - ArathiAllianceFence.wmo Horde fence - ArathiHordeFence.wmo The files with 000 in them, delete! * 7. You should now have something like this: world/wmo/PVP/fence and 2 files in that directory. Now, just move the whole World directory to your World of Warcraft/data folder. * 8. Log on and enjoy. ~~ Not my exploit although I didn't see it posted here. ~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AS many of you know if you try to name your character or pet "Blizzard" it will not allow you. But, if you named your character or pet "Blïzzard" it will accept no problem. The trick is to substitute special characters for letters. The game allows all of the following special characters in names: ï î è ë ê ç î ì Ä Å É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü á í ó ú ñ Ñ (i tested all of these, if you know more, please let us know! ) The neat part is that inside the game it is nearly impossible to tell the difference from the special character to the real one. name your pet "jackáss" if you want! or "Onyxìa" -- so many possibilities Inside the game, Blïzzard looks so much like Blizzárd looks like Blìzzárd looks like Blizzard....ppl cant tell the difference. Better yet, sending you /tells is VERY tough so you will enjoy lots of privacy. Want to have a name that looks like that jerk guild leader? How about a name that looks like the name of the #1 guild leader of the opposing faction? These characters are all allowed. Enjoy coming up with some creative names for both your pets and your characters. To type these special characters, hold down the ALT key and on your number pad, press a 3 digit number. ALT 136-170 will get all of them. Example: ALT+141 will display ì OR you can just bring up this post and copy (CTRL C) and paste in the game (CTRL V) the characters. ï î è ë ê ç î ì Ä Å É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü á í ó ú ñ Ñ ps. had some fun today with this. Created a new level 1 dwarf named Onyxìa and went to Ironforge. Using the dueling exploit, i started dueling people and they see the message "Xandar has defeated Onyxìa in a duel" lol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I O NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS INFO i will post a lot tomorow...i have a little bit of work now,and need to see FC STEAUA in the UEFA Coup:)0
  7. i do not remember where, but u need to encrise the date open. in hex probe go TOOLS-->OPTIONS--> (follow the error ..and u will know after where u need to change the date open)
  8. could some one explain to me what is about in this topic.i just found nonsenses
  9. LOL everyone wants FREE exploits¬HEY guys wark a little bit for what uu need¬ or "servite de-a gata"like a romanian guy will say
  10. silenton is whright ,but wtf www.bnrd.3x.ro
  11. i am registred on tault.com if u are intrested in something.......but my opinion is that site is a big scam like evry forums that make u pay ...because the admin is one noob that just say "wrong section here" or "no spaming" if you tell something about a server
  12. u can use official walker(the walker made for the official lineage2;)and replace your ip whit the official ip.put your server name instad of first official server
  13. make a serach on the forum type ''IG l2Walker" it was many links there but do not know where
  14. i didn't tested on c4 ,this was made for c3 ,i posted here because many peuple ask for the token.Many of them play on c3 because many sarvers downdated the c4 ver because the Gm's wasn't able to fix the c4 for theyr servers,:D:))
  15. LOL :D ...see if drake knows about it . i am shoure he payed someone to make that big emprovment on dragon :))))))
  16. send me a pm whith the network.dll file if u do not find the token
  17. u do not have a nethork dll? hm...this will help then
  18. it may drop a error ,just ignor it and heat search
  19. a chalange will be to fix the l2walker on dragon network
  20. see this post.for the token http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?p=7295#7295
  21. u can use this program to find your token...just load network.dll in program and hit SEARCH
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