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Everything posted by panadolextra1

  1. a great tool that is very useful for dworfs but for other players too.There u can find all recipes .mobs location ,and players skills in 1 program. I post the c4 release http://rapidshare.de/files/20580892/setup.exe.html
  2. when u are in lag and u day ,if u drop ,this is save to recover drop.
  3. i find 1 week ago a bypass for the most guarded rus serv, i think soon you will find a dragon bypass
  4. i don't think it exist a log file for each players,think about it ...large txt whith every action for eache player.
  5. pls corect me if i am wrong Agahnim.I speak about java servers.I observed that still if u made a walker for that serv u still get the packet error .I think that error came whith the message that is showing u that servers rulez,because the walker don't understand that pup-up window.i am a little drunk now.i will explain u much tomorow,I belive i have an ideea haow to rez=solve this sheet.
  6. forgot to tell ,that was a bew translation ,not word to word translation :!:
  7. ok i have the same problem whith the walker 00:55:48 Link GameServer Succeed. 00:55:57 ->Enter Char[1]. 00:55:59 Packet Error ... most servers put that anoncement when u enter the world .walker can not see that and that's give in the error.
  8. man try use search on forum before posting a questin
  9. nice tool,butr if u can resurect ,,,maybe u can use to iject some itms?
  10. no,moust of all ar pathed on private servers ,think about the oficial 1 :)
  11. The Sopons OMG best cartoon ever :D
  12. i think the l2.ini that u post is encryptet in 2 ways.The firs paragraf should be like this "Lineage2Ver413 [encryption]" and it is not.
  13. I use 10.4.9 and 10.2.3 .When using 10.4.9 sometimes after teleport in other town i have to restart ,because he do not see all npc and payes.At 10.2.3 the problem si thet u can not bot and no heal in party.
  14. spam is not cool u make lots of points
  15. lol a was skamed by a "friend" whith a mj robe set claked (2,5kkk) on 10x server
  16. OOoooo asa face lumea posturi
  17. OOoooo asa face lumea posturi
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