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Everything posted by Vazelos

  1. To ka8aroegrapsa ston english section. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69248.0
  2. [move]Gratz to mxc members. :P[/move] 1.) Anti-pk or Karma police costume: http://www.4shared.com/file/109903738/4305c2d2/Anti-PK.html 2.) Super Haste lvl4 fixed in order to get better stats ;-): http://www.4shared.com/file/101242007/e9cce504/7000-7099.html -Put it in the ....\gameserver\data\stats\skills After make a restart to you server and type //gmspeed 4. You will see the speed ,atack speed and the casting speed upgrade with the highest prices! 3.) Pk killer by me!!! With strong stats: http://www.4shared.com/file/109906966/e48ac6a8/Pk_Killer2.html 4.) This is a code for the sql, with this code you make the normal guards very powerfull and immortals if you are boring of makeing karma police: http://www.4shared.com/file/109907561/cb48cd0a/pk_tebelis.html 5.) No comments! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=45746.0 6.) This is a gracia pt2 CT2 (pack 2) hero manager so you can give 20 gold bar an you can be hero temporaly. -->Hero Status Seller! Hero Status until you restart you char! This is L2J Free CT2 ... For others pack you need to make some changes! Take the "7202.htm" and put it in the html/defaul Take the whole file "8204_NpcHero" and put in the scripts/custom/ Open the script.cfg make Add to ( custom/8204_NpcHero/__init__.py ) Open SQL Manager and open the old SQL, or made it by hand! That's it! //reload_quest 8204 (Make it for test...)http://www.4shared.com/file/69719864/44aa84/Hero-L2JFree.html 7.) This is a new improved enchant panel for the Admins-Gms:http://rapidshare.com/files/111336762/New_Enchant_Painel_for_Admins.zip.html 8.) "Table top 50Pvps/Pks" :http://rapidshare.com/files/238061115/Top_50_pvp_NPC.rar a) Paste the sql to navicat b) Paste the html here gameserver/data/html/default c) Paste the script file here gameserver/data/script/custom "50300_Pklist" d) In the file script.cfg paste this -> (gameserver/data/script.cfg) *Code* custom/50300_PKlist/__init__.py It will look like this: custom/1000_NonTalkingNpcs/__init__.py custom/4000_ShadowWeapons/__init__.py custom/5000_MissQueen/__init__.py custom/5025_Evolve/__init__.py custom/6050_KetraOrcSupport/__init__.py custom/6051_VarkaSilenosSupport/__init__.py custom/6999_HeroCirclet/__init__.py custom/7000_HeroItems/__init__.py custom/7001_ClanItems/__init__.py custom/8001_NpcLocationInfo/__init__.py custom/8002_AskForAdvise/__init__.py custom/8004_PurchaseBracelet/__init__.py custom/50300_PKlist/__init__.py <--[color=red]Here[/color] -If you want to shows more pvp/pk find the mark: pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,pkkills FROM characters WHERE pkkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pkkills desc limit 50") And change it!! 9.) How you can rename the log in. You need File Edit http://www.4shared.com/file/117242633/6e7b3bc8/L2_File_Edit_Kamael_-_Hellbound.html This is for c4-c5-c6: http://www.4shared.com/file/117243202/8de49724/Fileedit.html ...Let's get started Open File Edit ,Find the System on witch we want to change some things--> e.x:The Server Ip you can change it here: ServerAddr= <---- here the Ip of your Server.You can see the ip http://www.whatismyip.com . When we finish with the Ip we click on Save And Encrypt File and--> Version 413. Now we can change the server log in name 'Bartz' vey easy all you have to do is to poen File Edit find System Patch and on the searche we try to find servername-e.dat load it and we find bartz and change it at everything you want xd. server_id tag_? server_name server_desc 0 1 a,Bartz\0 a, 1 1 a,Sieghardt\0 a, 2 1 a,Kain\0 a, 3 1 a,Lionna\0 a, 4 1 a,Erica\0 a, 10.) Level up skills - gratz to TerrorXCrew http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32977.0 11.) EVENTS.....>>> gratz to ZeRo* http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36838 12.) Auto TvT gratz to Sr.Set 1)Go to your datapack in data/scripts/cron/ directory. 2)Create a file and name it tvt.py(py is the extension so if you create a txt file and rename it,remove the .txt and add .py). 3)Open the file and paste. import sys from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.events import TvT TvT.loadData() TvT.autoEvent() Save and Colse To sum up add in your own global tasks the following: INSERT INTO `global_tasks` (`id`, `task`, `type`, `last_activation`, `param1`, `param2`, `param3`) VALUES (996, 'jython', 'TYPE_FIXED_SHEDULED', 1206595935732, '60000', '14400000', 'tvt.py'); 'param1'means time since server restart.So in what i share means that event will start 1 minite after restart 'param2'means how much time that the event will repeat.In what i share event will start automatic every 4 hours You can change it by your own. 13.)Interlude GM-Shop by VirusLoader:http://rapidshare.com/files/254792551/Interlude_GmShop_by__VirusLoader.rar *Upload it for Premium Account in order the link stay alive. -Good job VirusLoader- :-* Here you can check some photos: http://i32.tinypic.com/2qnchgn.jpg http://i25.tinypic.com/20fan9v.jpg http://i28.tinypic.com/12639g7.jpg 14.) Stive2's final l2j noblesse npc! Download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/117741091/3c6ff081/Npc_noblese_Final.html [move]*GM-Admin Color Codes:http://www.immigration-usa.com/html_colors.html[/move] I hope to be useful and simple. Pm for additional Help! [move]THANKS FOR READING[/move] [move]Avoid spam[/move] by BillGR Use 4share and no rapidshare i think it is better. [move]I will keep updating with adds.[/move] [move][shadow=red,left]Replay with your opinion[/shadow][/move]
  3. Zero kane add to msn mou kai na eisai online smr kata tis 8:00 to apogeuma! 8elw na me help na to ftiaksw gt den xrisimopoiw extra ston tropo grafhs m... :p opote add me na mou eksigiseis :p
  4. You need to improve your greeks.I will translate it for the english section. :P
  5. Thanks but your greeks sucks man! You say "wow nice meridio man favor very plesufull" ahahhaha
  6. Enoxlei tos alous gt o allos na blaptei tin ugeia tou epidi esu doumaniazeis?
  7. Maxairakia,opla.sfiria... axaxaxaxa eleos re! Poli kalo omos :D
  8. 8a ekdosw ena biblio.8a steilw aditipo xd
  9. Re arxoda apla tou apadisa ti na elega dld 5 seires mlkies gia na min fenete spam? :p
  10. WTF A gint pussy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Where is that i want tog there!!!!!!!!He gives coca cola to this thing ahahahhaaha!0a0xa0x0a0xa0x0 it has sperm ax0a0x0ax0a0
  11. Nai de 8es na ma8eis >.> Exeis klepsei pote tpt?
  12. Po re pousti pios me karfwse? Ema8a oti ex8es ekanes spam sto maxcheaters...
  13. Koita mi se ksemialiseis kamia touristria :p
  14. Vazelos


    Pios eixe-exei to pio poli karma kai pios ta pio pola post :p
  15. Kai egw to idio :p sto dragon to dokimasa egw
  16. Den einai bug eksalou to exoun kanei post parapoles fores kai oloi trone litzarisma!!!Esu fae ta rec s :-*.Btw gt na to kaneis afto enw boreis na kaneis ena l2.net script opos lene oloi? :D[move][/move]
  17. De doulebei pia :).Doulebe ston l2core na poumai eixa ftasei 350k attack speed.
  18. Den to exoun ksanakanei alla pada ola ta scrap einai kalodexoumena pff allo ena bug tis fadasias!
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