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Everything posted by iNos

  1. pigene stin database sou bres to table spawnlist kai alakse to respawn prepi na to kanis gia ola ta mob p thes na kanoun respawn pio grigora
  2. an enois to item p kani spawn to wyvern to id einai 8663
  3. http://xnos.mybrute.com fight me :P
  4. afto p psaxnis einai se afto to path \gameserver\config\main\gameserver.properties
  5. einai kanonikos ala epidi ise gm exi ola ta class dokimase me normal player
  6. diabase kalitera to proto post sto telos exo grapsi
  7. apo oti blepo exis bali listening for gameservers : kanonika tha eperepe na itan pigene /config/loginserver.properties bres aftes tis grames # The port, ip on which login will listen for GameServers LoginHostname= LoginPort=9014 esena to LoginPort tha ine 7777 kanto 9014 EDIT: sorry den ixa diabasi olo to post tora ida oti ebales 7777 sto port tote isos kapio alo programa na xrisimopii to port 9014 i to port 2106 elpizo na boithisa
  8. i think smf is the best http://download.simplemachines.org/index.php?thanks;filename=smf_1-1-8_install.zip
  9. post screenshot of your loginserver console
  10. malon to kani upload edit:bgale to poll den xriazete
  11. pigene \config\main\skill.properties # Maximum number of buffs and songs/dances # Since Gracia, song and dance count is split from other buffs. # (default buffs = 20 + 4 with divine inspiration skill) # Retail: 20, 12 MaxBuffAmount = 20 MaxDanceSongAmount = 12
  12. pes mas ti pack exis kai tha sou poume se pio config einai
  13. as title says with this when someone add new subclass will start with custom lvl 1st: open net.l2emuproject.gameserver.model.base.SubClass.java add this import import net.l2emuproject.Config; find this line: private long _exp = Experience.LEVEL[40]; and change it to: private long _exp = Experience.LEVEL[Config.CUSTOM_SUBCLASS_LVL]; after find this line: private byte _level = 40; and change it to: private byte _level = (byte)Config.CUSTOM_SUBCLASS_LVL; 2nd: open net.l2emuproject.Config.java search for this: public static int TITLE_COLOR_FOR_AMMOUNT5; and after this line insert this: public static int CUSTOM_SUBCLASS_LVL; now search for this: PVP_AMMOUNT5 = Integer.parseInt(customSettings.getProperty("PvpAmmount5", "500")); after this line insert this: CUSTOM_SUBCLASS_LVL = Integer.parseInt(customSettings.getProperty("CustomSubclassLvl", "40")); 3rd open /config/main/custom.properties go to end of the file and insert this: #Custom lvl when player add new subclass #min = 40 max = 80 #default = 40 CustomSubclassLvl = 40 Warning: if you put lower number than 40 lvl when the char take 1 lvl goes to 40 lvl and if you put more than 80 when the char kills one mob goes to 80 lvl here is the .patch Index: config/main/custom.properties =================================================================== --- config/main/custom.properties (revision 1600) +++ config/main/custom.properties (working copy) @@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ # default = 3 MaxSubClass = 3 +#Custom lvl when player add new subclass +#min = 40 max = 80 dont put more +#default = 40 +CustomSubclassLvl = 40 + # ------------------------------------------ # Section: Grade & Weight Penalties Controls # ------------------------------------------ Index: src/main/java/net/l2emuproject/Config.java =================================================================== --- src/main/java/net/l2emuproject/Config.java (revision 1600) +++ src/main/java/net/l2emuproject/Config.java (working copy) @@ -830,6 +830,9 @@ public static int TITLE_COLOR_FOR_AMMOUNT4; public static int TITLE_COLOR_FOR_AMMOUNT5; + // ----------- custom subclass lvl -------------- + public static int CUSTOM_SUBCLASS_LVL; + //********************************************************* public static void loadCustomConfig() { @@ -894,6 +897,10 @@ ALLOW_TELE_IN_SIEGE_TOWN = Boolean.parseBoolean(customSettings.getProperty("AllowTeleportInSiegeTown", "false")); ALT_MANA_POTIONS = Boolean.parseBoolean(customSettings.getProperty("AllowManaPotions", "false")); FORCE_UPDATE_RAIDBOSS_ON_DB = Boolean.parseBoolean(customSettings.getProperty("ForceUpdateRaidBossOnDB", "false")); + + // ----------- custom subclass lvl ------------ + CUSTOM_SUBCLASS_LVL = Integer.parseInt(customSettings.getProperty("CustomSubclassLvl", "40")); + } catch (Exception e) { Index: src/main/java/net/l2emuproject/gameserver/model/base/SubClass.java =================================================================== --- src/main/java/net/l2emuproject/gameserver/model/base/SubClass.java (revision 1600) +++ src/main/java/net/l2emuproject/gameserver/model/base/SubClass.java (working copy) @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ */ package net.l2emuproject.gameserver.model.base; +import net.l2emuproject.Config; + /** * Character Sub-Class Definition * <BR> @@ -24,9 +26,9 @@ public final class SubClass { private ClassId _class; - private long _exp = Experience.LEVEL[40]; + private long _exp = Experience.LEVEL[Config.CUSTOM_SUBCLASS_LVL]; private int _sp = 0; - private byte _level = 40; + private byte _level = (byte)Config.CUSTOM_SUBCLASS_LVL; private int _classIndex = 1; public SubClass(int classId, long exp, int sp, byte level, int classIndex) works fine for me i use l2emu gracia pt2
  14. prota pame net.l2emuproject.gameserver.handler.admincommandhandlers kai ftiaxnoume ena arxio me onoma AdminGivePet.java grafoume afto mesa: /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package net.l2emuproject.gameserver.handler.admincommandhandlers; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.handler.IAdminCommandHandler; import net.l2emuproject.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; public class AdminGivePet implements IAdminCommandHandler { private static final String[] ADMIN_COMMANDS = { "admin_give_wyvern", "admin_give_strider", "admin_give_wolf", "admin_give_horse", "admin_remove_pet", }; private int _petRideId; public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar) { if (command.startsWith("admin_give")) { if (((L2PcInstance)activeChar.getTarget()).isMounted() || ((L2PcInstance)activeChar.getTarget()).getPet() != null) { activeChar.sendMessage("Your target already have a pet or mounted."); return false; } if (command.startsWith("admin_give_wyvern")) _petRideId = 12621; else if (command.startsWith("admin_give_strider")) _petRideId = 12526; else if (command.startsWith("admin_give_wolf")) _petRideId = 16041; else if (command.startsWith("admin_give_horse")) _petRideId = 13130; else { activeChar.sendMessage("Command '" + command + "' not recognized"); return false; } ((L2PcInstance) activeChar.getTarget()).mount(_petRideId, 0, false); } else if (command.startsWith("admin_remove_pet")) ((L2PcInstance) activeChar.getTarget()).dismount(); return true; } public String[] getAdminCommandList() { return ADMIN_COMMANDS; } } meta pame kai anigoume to net.l2emuproject.gameserver.handler.AdminCommandHandler.java kai brite afti tin grami: registerAdminCommandHandler(new AdminVitality()); meta apo afti tin grami balte aftin edo registerAdminCommandHandler(new AdminGivePet()); kante compile kai iste etimi! Download Java files : Click Me! .patch file: Click me! ta command ingame einai //give_wolf = dini sto target wolf //give_wyvern = dini sto target wyvern //give_strider = dini sto target strinder //give_horse = dini sto target horse //remove_pet = kani dismount to pet tou target sou ama exo ksexasi tpt i kati den doulebi sosta mporite na mou pite na to diorthoso works on l2emu gracia part 2 Credits goes to me (iNos)
  15. http://portforward.com/ bres to modem/router sou stin lista kai exi analitiko guide pos na aniksis ta ports
  16. i upload it on rapidshare for you download
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