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Everything posted by JonathanRhyS

  1. L2 Aerogaming, is an interlude server based on L2Price C6 project. They made a wipe, remade the server and the grand opening is at 15/6. Current site: http://www.l2aepvp.net/ I wonder if there is any clan in here which recruits and is wiling to start this server, or if i find some people from here to find our own clan. Looking forward to your comments
  2. ADMIN helps a certain clan. He may has a player in game. We all left
  3. Min ton vazeis se tsampa kopo. Ta vasika mporeis na ta pareis apo edw pisteuw
  4. Just got that and started playing low rate servers. also, it has more fun for me.
  5. Then you make something wrong, cause i could :)
  6. Not even... noone is banned cause of using bot. And you know in some servers bots are allowed
  7. Cant really understand what you mean... My script is this DEFINE INT ZERO 0 DO IF TARGET_CUR_HP == ZERO USE_SKILL 42 SLEEP 3000 IF TARGET_SPOILED == ZERO PRINT_TEXT "targeting ..." TARGET_NEAREST ENDIF ENDIF SLEEP 1000 LOOP TRUE How should i make it?
  8. Mentioned that auto spoil-sweep happens like only 20% of the mobs I kill. I found some scripts for auto spoil but all have auto target but I want to spoil certain targets. Also, I configure my l2net to ignore chests and many times I find it "stuck" hitting chests, even though I have ignore chests on and hitting certain targets on. Any help?
  9. Was playing there for about a weak. Nice community of players and much pvp-rb action. Though server has many bugs, and GMs-Admin dont give a shit. So i quitted. Good luck to whoever start this
  10. Υπάρχουν μερικά χρήσιμα talismans που όταν τα ενεργοποιείς διαρκούν για πολύ μικρό χρονικό διαστημα. Υπάρχει Κάποιος τρόπος για να stuckaroun? Ψάχνω συγκεκριμένα για h5 client.
  11. Υπάρχουν μερικά χρήσιμα talismans που όταν τα ενεργοποιείς διαρκούν για πολύ μικρό χρονικό διαστημα. Υπάρχει Κάποιος τρόπος για να stuckaroun? Ψάχνω συγκεκριμένα για h5 client.
  12. Pou akrivws antikathistw tin ip tou server?(se pio apoles tis seires ton host)
  13. Test L2Tenkai den douleuei Sto log in mou leei could not connect to authecation server
  14. Fixed. An 8elete kante lock t topic kai opios xreiazete help me auto to prob add necro1995gr@hotmail.com gia voi8eia
  15. Tromeros re foveri idea! eleos ti spam einai auto -.-
  17. To exw dokimasei kai auto. Episis katevasa apo diaforetikes piges to client. Kai to pa8enw mono me to gracia final :/
  18. Nai auth einai i diadromi an kai den pisteuw auto na einai to provlima.
  19. Το μηνυμα που παιρνω ειναι: η εφαρμογη απετυχε να ξεκινησει επειδη η ρυθμιση παραμετρων σε παραθεση δεν ειναι σωστη.Για λεπτομερειες ανατρεξτε στο αρχειο καταγραφης συμβαντων Έχω δοκιμάσει restart στο pc, uninstall του client, διαγραφεί μητρώου κατα την εγκατάσταση του l2 αλλά τίποτα δεν ποιάνει... Καμία ιδέα;
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