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Everything posted by dimco

  1. you dont have to report, you have a button to ban, you Gold Member 0xa0x0a
  2. i didnt say anything like this at texas was the one of the best lives ever of linkin u should know it like a LP fan if you dont know about Slipknot then do not talk shit about them (check Vermilion) LP was Xero, some members left from the band and then they took Chester and one more guy, i think Brad You said that corey cant create/join another band with nice songs? wtf? this post is no comment
  3. pedia vgenete offtopic... file kane pm stn gm gt o char s malon ine stuckarismenos dn nmz na bori kanenas apo edo na s voi8isi...
  4. For those who have installed lineage2: hello guyz, i need a little favor, could someone go to c://windows/system32/drivers/etc/ and the file hosts/host(dont remember the world exactly) and upload it to a site and give me the link to downlaod it? plz i need it... i need it guyz plz!!
  5. you dont know 81 songs, you just copied and paste em... you counted and Texas cd, this is live and not album with new songs lol 0ax0a0xa0x0a and you forgot to add "new divide" of Tranceforemce(whatever is spelled) and "We Made It" with LP and Bust Rhymes one more proof about you dont know many things about lp and everything of your topic is c/p then hide it and to be viewed only by LP lovers 0ax0ax0a0x0a0x 1) my post was for another person not for you.. 2) corey has awesome voice and dont waste it to screaming, if slipknot was a screaming-voice band then it would be screamo band and not metal band 3) all bands have some problems, like linkin park (they were xero, destroyed and made LP) when i said about Xero then you made update and paste info about Xero and you told that you know em, ok... PS to an old post u said that you hate slipknot and now you are saying that slipknot is a good band?:S
  6. ena exo na po... METAL RE MOUNIA!!!! PS dn ime vazelos:P
  7. heyyyyyy k go exo fridia!!! kita simtosi...
  8. i just express my opinion linkin park is good band, its not the best, thats what you must understand
  9. -I did not say that slipknot is my favorite band, my favorite band is AC/DC -Linkin Park stoped making songs that are talking about Emotions and they strarted making commecrial songs to just to sell they using the name "Nu Metal" and every person that hears linkin park says that he is "metal-boy" - i do not care about rewards of music bands 'cause there are other bands that are making music much much better and they do not reward for their work - i was listening to Linkin Park when i was 9-10years old and now im 17, i know all of their songs and every song's lyrics - to video clips of linkin park chester is singing like a "god" but when he is trying to sing to a live he is awful (like Given Up, 18sec is holding his voice but he cant even 10 in a live) - when linkin park wasnt commercial band noone knew them - the most of you dont even know "Xero" (im sure that you gonna google it and post it and say that you know it) plz search for Thrash/Progressive/Melodie metal and then you will understand that linkin park sux and at least Corey (singer of Slipknot) wasnt junkie like Chester... (o.O im sure that you didnt know it...) Linkin Park is screaming, check Given Up, (i know more things about lp that u, ah?) song that Slipknot is not screaming? check vermillion Slipknot are not afraid to appear their faces, its just a style (like lordies) and i told it and im gonna say it again: COMMERCIAL BAND!!!! do you know what does it means?
  10. i think that this topic should be sticky project what do you think?
  11. λεει μονο για topics δεν αναφερει για signature, μη τα βγαζεις μονος σου...
  12. you dont need to pee? weird dont have dogs in your town? weird you dont have girlfriend? γιατι αραγε... PS Mxc is not the best site...porn sites are the best!! @ontopic its a probl that exists in all forums
  13. δεν ειδα πουθενα στα rules να προσεχουμε να signature να μη ειναι "rude" ο αλλος ειχε μια φοτο με μια κουραδα και σας πειραξε αυτο? ΥΓ μονο για το μεγεθος ελεγε αλλα μου εστειλε πμ ενας mod να αλλαξω το μεγεθως, το αλλαξα και τωρα ολα ειναι οκ...
  14. ok dont cry... but why? dont you like my signature? i think it is fu.ckin awesome!!!! [gr] μετά σου λένε γιατι κλεινουν το spam section συνεχεια, εμ λογικο ειναι, οταν ο αλλος κανει ακυρα τοπικς... Θα παρακαλεσω καποιον moderator να με κανει ban!! reason? my signture is rude 0xa0xa0a ProJect εγραψες!!
  15. "Discussion with children" "Have Fun" "k tou pouliou to gala"
  16. im sure that the maximum of songs that you know (of linkin park) are 10? 20?
  17. +1 0:47 yeah Mike, \m/METAL\m/ if linkin park is metal band then im superman
  18. dimco

    l2 problem

    Updated i tried to fix it but im getting new problem now, it says: 2009.11.2 21:15:49 OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600) CPU : GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 2161 MHz with 1939MB RAM Video : NVIDIA GeForce3 (9371) General protection fault! History: UOrcMove::CalculateCRC32 <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine
  19. could some1 tell me the IP of the server?:S i need it
  20. dimco

    l2 problem

    εκανα reinstall το directx αλλα τιποτα... καμια αλλη ιδεα?
  21. dimco

    l2 problem

    hello guyz, im trying to log in in l2 via linux and im getting this: 2009.11.2 21:15:49 OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600) CPU : GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 2161 MHz with 1939MB RAM Video : NVIDIA GeForce3 (9371) General protection fault! History: UOrcMove::CalculateCRC32 <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine does some1 know what should i do?
  22. it is not program, it is site, u paste the url and u downloading
  23. Epic Fail btw etre3a t c6 alla ixa trelo lag mipos eftege oti dn exo directx9? iparxi g linux?
  24. prospa8isa na egatastiso ta wine alla dn boresa, ime arxarios st linux:S PS boro na pe3o sigoura m linux l2 e?
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