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About Jakester

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Its not possible on all servers. On some you can only join a pt within the 20 lvl range.
  2. welcome
  3. outgame included in it?
  4. Donut = In LOA after the first bridge L- room = At 4 Sepulcher, and then run up.
  5. yes thnx alot.. I will try em all:P
  6. Lord of the Flies, most of you prolly donteven know it. But its a very sad story. Or maybe im just emo :P
  7. Hehe yea really helpfull. It actually is very logic:P. Too bad i never thought of it.
  8. Yoyo i am Jakester, im 22 years old. I like scripting. I have been out of the Lineage world for awhile. Been playing since C1 cosed beta. I started again just for fun and hope to share my knowledge with you guys. cya.
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