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Everything posted by Acel

  1. Ston apo katw m petaw oti emine stin toualeta meta apo mia diskoli mera. 8)
  2. www.pmfun.com to kalitero site gia l2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. dont touch that, all you have to touch is l2.ini
  4. titan sucks......
  5. Best Hardware for l2 is your modem conection(7mbps if u got 1 pc 24 mbps if you got 2 pc)......... than you should have a realy nice RAM lets say about 4gb a realy good Graphic card all the other hardware should be about normal.
  6. anyone know how I can create or something like that?
  7. it might sound "noob" but can I install mac softeware on my pc?I think that only Mac PC's got this softeware(and so far its the best)
  8. ti rates exei o server? max min. kai posa atoma
  9. eleos...... den iparxei o trader me tis ls ton ftiaxane to l2phx lete na douleuei?
  10. o gold exei polla bug kai an ekanes search tha ebriskes kati
  11. den douleuei ston l2core............kai pouthena
  12. it doesnt work for me, pm to give you the corect link
  13. Script or something? No thats not possible l2phx is abusing a bug. if there was such thing someone whould already do that
  14. Yes there is one. Fucking chiness made everything. Pm to give you the site(its another forum so I whouldnt like to advertise that)
  15. Is there anybody that now how to make a realy good keylogger? I made one keylogger but realy simple. I need one keylogger that will e-mail the results every single hour. VB either C++ is good.Please pm ur msn or e-mail so I can contact you.
  16. valhalla server is good go search
  17. Because many people told me Linux is the best softeware and you costumize it. I am here to ask your opinion, whats the best softeware? I know that some programs made only for Windows and Mac its a war against linux so thats a - on linux. But whould you ever change your Windows XP SP3 on Linux?(I am thinkin of having both). Please include the Linux Version if thats what you select.
  18. 12345size=30pt]6[/size]78910 BOOOOOOOOOM
  19. Acel


    Auto to post legete barieme........... edw tha bazete tous anagnwstes se dilima metaksi dio deleastikwn pragmatwn p.x. porche/ferrari k.o.k. Autos p tha anoixei protos tin 100 selida pernei +10 karma ade ksekinate proto: Porche/ferrari
  20. Next word Gay
  21. mlkies les alla tha to dokimasw ama pianei
  22. to dokimasa se official douleuei kanonika twra ti na pw borei na eimoun tixeros....(huricane apo lvl 62 ls se SE tzoda!!! gamaw)
  23. kai egw to idio problima exw?! kserei kaneis tpt?
  24. sto m@uni tis mono exeis erthei pote se orgasmo xwris na to theleis enw eisoun se dimosio xoro?(egw nai sto kosmos tin ep@iz@)
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