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About loxus89

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Main: Iss Sword Muse 99 4AP Dual: Yul Ghost Sentinel 98 Eternal Core Dualsword +10 :lol: Talisman Annilathion Songs +10 Time price 50 euro I DONT go first Paypal Only.
  2. trusted seller :)
  3. trusted seller +++ all perfect
  4. Hi, i need to buy an high lvl siegel knight on core server, send me your offer with details Pm here No need more
  5. and how long remains the buffs?
  6. dont work for me, a little question: it's normal tha when u "cast" the talisman of attack power, if u put off the talisman the buff remains and u can equip a different talisman too?
  7. only "quite lucky"? i think u need to be Very very very lucky to find a player that is so stupid xD
  8. yes i cant see the first post, but i can read the reply, and because i already know this cheat i can say that it doesnt work on my server. if u want i can send u a pm whit the cheats and u can verify that i know it. (sry for my bad english)
  9. dont work
  10. dont work
  11. it doesnt work on my server T_T
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