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Everything posted by Seebal

  1. Anyone can upload this to rapidshare or something, bcuz all slots for my country is busy :(
  2. Can You or someone upload this to rapidshare?
  3. I'm saved this with 413 and my lineage client chcange from english to korean :/ Anyway now i know how i can put everything what i want, thanks for help me :)
  4. Before i create new utx and change English_LoadingTexture=L2Font-e.loading02-e to my and lineage change english language from english to korean and i don't know why :/ Now i download L2Font-eByLauQ and all works, but for new chronicles I have to cope alone
  5. Thanks. I have a new question. How i can put texture to .utx file, without create new? My client is gracia Final.
  6. Hi i have o some problem. Can i export from this file every texture in one click? You now select all and export? If not, how i can create L2Font-e.utx with my Loading Screen? I ask because when i create name.utx with loading screen, I open l2 and language is change from english to korean. Sry for my bed english :/
  7. Wrong section. l2utxfixer + utpt.
  8. This is so funny xD
  9. Wait ;-P Now i download this. This too no have a floor ;/
  10. Your share no have a floor. I test it.
  11. Polish is easy ;-P Some can upload some screen?
  12. Eh on gracia final I have error. Maybe can You fix this.
  13. WoWoWoW :P I think this is the very good bow. Good work Critical.
  14. http://thenoisingmachine.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/batman_and_robin.jpg http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/0607/07/robin.jpg http://www.freewebs.com/superheromovies/Batman%20&%20Robin.JPG I think this is good. And i search for anything who have a cap and I tell You, ok? And maybe this http://images.google.com/images?hl=pl&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:pl:official&hs=Qj8&ei=p61KSuOHCtLI-Qaa6fDeBQ&resnum=0&q=Teen%20titans%20raven&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
  15. I want but i don't have machinery for this. But i w8 for new computer and i think, i test this. Anway i think this is good share.
  16. Hmm... this is for newbies but Can i download this and make some changes for me :D
  17. WoW! Very nive animation on the bow. Hmm... I download and test =D
  18. What work? Ofc, tell me if You can =P
  19. I think this is very good idea, for pvp server.
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