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Everything posted by AnsS

  1. Yes and have InstanceJump skillhandler... :) can use your jump effect with skill default! :)
  2. i find this jump in default l2j source... FlyToLocation (L2GameServerPacket) ... This jump is writed by L2JServer... Use Shadow Step (ID:821) skill for jump to target...
  3. I write Full augment shop in Java Instance... All augment added to database and can view augment type,desc,skilldesc,skill name,skill level and u can config price itemid and count. Donload: http://www.2shared.com/file/QaGiS7Z6/L2AugmentShopInstance.html
  4. This topic and link in topic died! And it is much better.
  5. New command for players. now they can teleport desirable town/village. package handlers.voicedcommandhandlers; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; public class TeleportPalace implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private boolean EnabledScript = true; private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = { "teleport" }; private static final String[][] PALACES = { {"Aden", "147450 27064 -2208"}, {"Dion", "18748 145437 -3132"}, {"FloranVillage", "17144 170156 -3502"}, {"Giran", "82698 148638 -3473"}, {"Gludin", "-83063 150791 -3133"}, {"Gludio", "-14225 123540 -3121"}, {"Goddard", "147725 -56517 -2780"}, {"Heine", "111115 219017 -3547"}, {"Oren", "82321 55139 -1529"}, {"Rune", "44070 -50243 -796"}, {"Schuttgart", "87358 -141982 -1341"}, {"HunterVillage", "116589 76268 -2734"}, {"TalkingIsland", "-82687 243157 -3734"}, {"DwarvenVillage", "116551 -182493 -1525"}, {"ElvenVillage", "45873 49288 -3064"}, {"KamaelVillage", "-116934 46616 368"}, {"OrcVillage", "-44133 -113911 -244"}, {"DarkElvenVillage", "12428 16551 -4588"} }; @Override public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String params) { if(!EnabledScript) return false; StringTokenizer st = null; String palace = null; if(!params.equalsIgnoreCase("")) st = new StringTokenizer(params); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) palace = st.nextToken(); if(palace.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { activeChar.sendMessage("-- BAD TELEPORT PALACE --"); for (int i=0; i<PALACES.length; i++) { activeChar.sendMessage("-- ." + VOICED_COMMANDS[0] + " " + PALACES[i][0]); } return false; } for (int i=0; i<PALACES.length; i++) { if(PALACES[i][0].equalsIgnoreCase(palace)) { TeleportTo(activeChar, PALACES[i][1]); break; } } return true; } public void TeleportTo(L2PcInstance activeChar, String cord) { activeChar.sendMessage("Selected by the teleport a success."); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(cord); activeChar.teleToLocation(Integer.getInteger(st.nextToken()), Integer.getInteger(st.nextToken()), Integer.getInteger(st.nextToken())); } @Override public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return VOICED_COMMANDS; } } Credits to Mentor.
  6. L2 Elcardia Server Version: High Five Website: http://l2elcardia.devplanet.eu/ Rates: XP = 30 SP = 30 DROP = 20 SPOIL = 30 ADENA = 30 QUESTDROP = 10 QUESTREWARD XP/SP = 15 QUESTREWARD ADENA = 15 QUESTREWARD MATERIAL = 10 QUESTREWARD ETC = 10 DROPMANOR = 5 EXTRACTFISH = 5 RAIDBOSSDROP = 5 GRANDBOSSDROP = 5 ENCHANT = 70% BLESSED ENCHANT = 75% SAFEENCHANT = 3 SAFEENCHANTFULL = 4 NPCs: - Full NPC Buffer - Global GK - Boss information (Temporarily disabled.) - Augment Shop - Vote shop - Craft Manager - DisEncahnter - Olympiad information - Newbei helper ( with 10 days limited items from D grade to A grade, manapotion, SS, BSPS) Events: - TvT - CTF - Custom Medal - Bloody Paagrio collection - Champion Mobs - Freya celebration - Character birthday - Gift of Vitality Commands: - Buy Reacommend ".buyrec" - Teleport to clan leader ".cl" - Delevel ".delevel" - Drop On/Off ".dropon; .dropoff" - Teleport to Giran ".start" - Reapair the character wich have critical error ".repair" - Xp on/off ".xpon; .xpoff" Tattoos: Disabled.
  7. Hi, I receive the error when L2Font-e.clear.utx open the file with UnrealeD. Error ouput:
  8. # Aion Lightning Builder Script v1.0 # Script By Mentor I finished aion builder and installer script. Script knows: - Downloading last source - Building last source - Config Loginserver and Gameserver - Installing Loginserver and Gamseserver database # Usage: 1.) wget http://dl.teamsrv.net/aion/builder.sh 2.) chmod 777 builder.sh 3.) ./builder.sh (old version picture) Script Download Link: http://dl.teamsrv.net/aion/builder.sh
  9. Zomg.. im a idiot. minZ="-1800" maxZ="-2050" <--- This wrong... This good: minZ="-2050" maxZ="-1800" -_- Lock plz.
  10. Hi all! Help me :$ My problem is: zone is not Arena. Zone.xml: <zone id="1" type="Arena" shape="NPoly" minZ="-1800" maxZ="-2050" /> Sql, zone_vertices: ID Order X Y 1 0 13797 256677 1 1 20414 256635 1 2 23608 254298 1 3 21709 249853 1 4 13655 249929 What's wrong? Thank you.
  11. I try it :) It's really good, thank you and Rin4a's.
  12. Hi all! I need an npc buffer with scheme system. Plz help me :)
  13. Bad topic. Go to server.prop AllowedProtocolRevisions = 146;152 Change 1-999
  14. MinProtocolRevision = 1 MaxProtocolRevision = 999 This is a very big mistake -_- Any client can join your server. (Walker etc.)
  15. It is good for epilogue? :) Anyone know?
  16. ImportError: no module named tools 11 line: from com.l2jserver.tools.random import Rnd This is wrong.
  17. Hi all! How make it? When I die, the buffs not fall off.
  18. //setteam 1 //setteam 2 //setteam 0
  19. How i make that PvP weapons is augmented? And, i can add to element to pvp weapons and armors? Plz help me, thanks :) Sorry, i speak little english :/
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