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Everything posted by Cien

  1. The donations doesnt have any sense, i really dont like that 30€ per month for AIO.. I know you need to keep the server alive. But your "forcing" ppl donate every month to keep the AIO. For me you are just thinking in money :x. Anyway gl to your project
  2. Metallica, slayer, Lamb of god, dream theater
  3. 10 Active menbers i know i can trust :), we are not playing in any server atm. We will try tomorrow l2optima-interlude 50x server. Btw we move to another forum, so dont bother use that one. We had a lot of people, to register on, and was very messy often. We still got some few slots to fill if someone interested send me a private message here and i send you the link from our new forum. Regards Edit:And btw for me activity is more then an hour :).
  4. Hope the server it will be balanced...
  5. It seems cool your high rate server.
  6. We are not playing in l2roam anymore, because the gm doesnt care any longer for comunity. We are currently searching for a new server to play. Regards
  7. www.l2roam.com - Interlude 100x - it's fast lvl up there Regards
  8. Note: We are not recruiting everyone who registers at the forum, you need to fill out an small application for us to know you better Regards
  9. c3 until c6 were the best times of my life.
  10. atm we are playing in l2roam - middle rates server
  11. Hello people, like to present you a new clan created by three friends who got a long experience in this game that decided to create this clan. Our main goal is to have fun and create a union and always play together. We all know day by day l2 is losing people and for that very reason we want to make this clan to remembering and sharing the old experience that we have from this game. And if you want fun and remenber old expriences be with us, We are in recruitment mode at the moment and if you are interested to join visit us at our forum deleted Edit: If you even wish to join us, send me a pm or post in this board. And ill give you the link from our new forum. Note: This is only to avoid spam accounts & menbers
  12. i think almost 500 200 players + 300 bots
  13. I think phx is working on this server -.-'
  14. I would like to know if its possible using an script to give bless of queen automaticaly on l2w ig.. Because in options doesnt work.. Plz help me
  15. I liked the idea of ​​using men,(but unfortunately we cant use it them on gs) it would be good giving more m.def. Anyway I dont like the fact you are using -5con w/o any epic.. Gs need hp. But thnx for your opinion man
  16. I've read all the guides on forum, but i would like to know your opinions. What dyes do you use on a Int server w/o epics on ghost sentinel?
  17. this server is good for those who have no life
  18. server is good and stable now u can join.. 50+ online w/o hopzone yet
  19. it works fine .. Why dont u wait before u spam here -.-'
  20. http://l2dragonrider.com/ will open today
  21. And it will be for sure.. this server seems very promising stay tuned guys
  22. Maybe its better close this topic since no1 is here to help.. to avoid spam..
  23. Interlude chronicle
  24. It depends on what you're referring to. Mafia have better graphism then godfather. About the longevity and story I personally prefer Mafia.
  25. Ill join for sure gl man with ur project!!
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