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Everything posted by RєVєnGeR^

  1. Graves and Kog Maw are my favourite. Right after is Katarina :D
  2. So , we'll be only members from here or can we bring friends from outside?:X
  3. Well , then i'll use psomas to send them on your paypal.Too bored to go to bank etc.
  4. I have a team myself. How about each team shall give 10euro paysafe to enter (whole team) - winner team gets everything.(Or pay via paypal or w/e)
  5. Well , i think not.Its not a tournament with a huge reward or anything...
  6. Well , my opinion is such a tournament will help us all become better players , learn from guys that are better than us and such.And also , and most basic , have fun.
  7. I guess we are.. Fortuna AnimAquetaris Noble Finito Romeo Me Snoopi HotFire Nicolas Grr Gregor Vendetta Tsili and maybe more... idk if everybody wants to take part tho
  8. a 4 team tournament each round on 3 wins or a league system would be great.
  9. How about start some lol tournaments (with team formed of members of this forum only) just to have some farm. Rewards are up to maxtor , just an idea!
  10. Εγω διαβασα μονο την πρωτη σελιδα. Με τον InTheEnd προβλημα δεν ειχα ποτε , ισα ισα τα λεγαμε και ολας που και που , φαινοταν ξηγημενος , αρα μαλλον δεν εχει κανει αυτος την κουτσουκελα.
  11. Παιζει καμια καλη τσοντα ;
  12. Βαρεμαρα ρε μαλακες.
  13. SK Gaming - Emotion (Gamescom 2012 LoL) The The The Strongest ! One Piece OST
  15. Xaris Kostopoulos 2009 - Prwto thema (Χάρης Κωστόπουλος Πρώτο Θέμα)
  16. Different thing happening on me.Owning bot lane mid is feeding.
  17. Yeah , but have done it in game with players over 1500-1600. Btw i never said i am good or anything and accept i am generaly bad , so dont try to be a dick here.
  18. Evelynn so broken. I never did a worst score than 21/6 with her as far as i can remember.SHE IS JUST OP.
  19. Top : Dyrus Mid : Misaya Jungle : Snoopeh Supp : XSpecial Adc : Aphromoo
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