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About PoweredByYamaha

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    Legendary Cheater

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Sorry i forgot a lot of info i will edit the main. Thanks
  2. Hey Runes:5 pages(All basic runes needed) Champions:92 IP:3850 Normal Wins:2200+ Skins:victorious morgana Division:Unranked(Gold iv previous division) Price:40Euro Paypal(if 2 pm me for the account the best offer that i'll take will take the account) I Trade the account for items on L2 Death Whisper Server:EUNE I will give the email too ofc. I have photos too so if you are interested send me pm and i will send you photos or whatever information you want.
  3. hello guys i need a greek bot lane adc/supp for a ranked team...we have already mid/top/jungle and we try to find a bot lane gold and above! we want to make a ranked team train 1-2 times a week and we want to see how our communication will go...We need players with communication skills ;p average game experience we will test you first and then we will see pm me here or skype:iron_mike98
  4. Ashe more useful for team...but if you want solo play pwn enemy team solo take vayne;)
  5. Ezreal,vayne favourite adc! Lux,ahri,ziggs,tf favourite mid;)
  6. I am interested I have a silver 1 acc which has only 22 matches go check my post and offer m
  7. You are rly post thirsty? XD Middleman added...when I say money first I mean I will give you pass but email after the money! Information added cause many tards on this forum
  8. i told i have reg email...mmr you see the matches on ranked what more you want? EMAIL HAS NEVER CHANGED
  9. Invis why you spam in all my topics? O.o Money goes first not acc...photos uploaded,i have someone to vouch for me so what the fuck do you want here? Any Admin do something to this spammer
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