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Everything posted by RєVєnGeR^

  1. Άστο στρατό ρε μαλάκα Βασιλάκη , γίνε κομμωτής..
  2. I'll accept any comment here , i know i am not a good player yet and i am currently 660 elo.But i need tips and generally ways to play that will help me climb out of Elo Hell. Positions : In this elo i can pretty much play anything , when i am going premade with higher friends (1500) on normal games i play as AD Carry. Champions : I can pretty much play all of the ADCarries in the game.Mostly Graves , Ezreal , Kog'Maw , Caitlyn , Corki , Graves. Farm : I am pretty much good at farming , can reach 120 on 14-15 normally if my support has a braind.I almost always finish the games with more than 280-300 creeps ( Ranked ones ) What if the ADC position is taken? : I don't have problems going support.I can play blitzcrank and Sona quite hardcore and nice , however i KNOW there won't be a single team-mate that knows how to CS as an ADC. Do i follow the meta ? : Of Course. Can i play other roles ? : Yes , and i am actually not loosing my lane in any game.I can play solo top Vlad , Jayce , Irelia , Teemo , Wukong , Riven and i can also play almost any AP Carry.I don't have problems going jungle. Things i notice in this ELO : My teammates are always so bad at farming ( finishing the game with like 70 creeps).My teammates decide to do dragon and baron on the worst times.They don't know when to push , They don't know when to challenge the enemy team and they never know what to build.Also i am actually in all the games Carrying but thing is , i cant win thoose games alone.I had a game 1 week ago and my team was : Evelynn (Top - Me) = 27/6/20 Jarvan (Jungle) = 3/14 Heimerdinger (Supp) = 0 / 18 Graves (Adc) = 8/9 Orianna (Apc) 4/14 I quadrakilled the ememy team , got dragon , pushed two towers.When i backed my team went in and lost the teamfight so we lost the game. I don't know what to do , i am about to give up... I am practicing almost 4-5hours per day , this is UNFAIR.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=g1T1OpleYOY Thats my friend i was talking about.
  4. No , the only thing they do is. Open lolcounter see if i have a champion from the list then pick that champion.If you have the experience you will win.
  5. I never said he is better than Tsili. Btw is tsili on pentakill atm?
  6. One of my friends (from school) at EUNE (T-Pain name) managed to hit 300 on 24:03
  7. 5/5 with the new patch. 3 With Kata 1 with Graves and 1 just now with Evelynn. Will post pics soon.
  8. Got the same problem. I go dirrectly on the "uknown error thing" and cant login... Great , i am now re-installing.
  9. WTB Europe Nordic & East account LvL 30. I want it to have the following players i dont care for more , i dont care for skins : Irelia Cho'Gath Graves Ezreal Vayne Kog'Maw Ahri Lee Sin Jayce. 30 LVL and if possible without ranked games.
  10. I didn't paid for my VIP status.I was a staffer 3 years ago and after my demotion i got this. Also , well UNLIKE YOU , why should i rush things by buying domain and such when the server isn't finished?I just chill out , waiting for the job to be done then everything will be launched.Also , where did i accept that my experience is too low?I openned my first server 4 years ago and still did better than you , back when i was 15.Also , please learn english , if you code the way you write , you are screwed. Also about DDoS , back in the days of L2Eminence attacks were being by a team of russian hackers on servers with 4k online and were requesting 5k dollars to stop attacking them...
  11. Don't know how DDoS works?Dont make me laugh and ALSO , just in your post above you said that DDoS attacks are made by NCSoft.. Do you even want to continue this?Just don't make me write more on this topic.
  12. Yeah , i am an Admin on my own but i really want to see how some of thoose features work. I won't play but i will always keep an eye on the server , because such effort has to be aknowledged.
  13. I am interested , send me a pm with how much you want etc.
  14. Οχι ρε ειναι ενα μαγαζι στο κεντρο...
  15. Left defender forgot "SS"
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA. Στο αλλο τους λιωνανε τα παπαρια με κατι σφυρια. Μαλακα υγρανθηκα.
  17. Η Λυση ειναι μια....
  18. Χαχα , να δεις ενα αλλο που ειχανε κατι μαυρους στη σειρα και τους κοβανε το καυλι με μπαλντα...
  19. Do you really want me to upload pictures of the bills i pay? Unlike you , i am putting all my money into L2Eminence.Really , please try and attack us with all you have. That's my last message , if you really think that WHEN L2EMINENCE is launched you will manage and get the server down with DDoS attack you are welcome to try.And i am calling this now so i have evidence later that you failer never managed to get Eminence down.Also "your l2eminence will go down" thing is gonna be quoted and laughed in the future. Also please , you can't even speak and write english properly , i don't even want to imagine how your codes are. And to make it worse , do you want me to upload some pics from my Inbox on what you were saying to me about your server and what i would get if i just give you some suggestions? Back in your hole now.
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