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Everything posted by Cobra

  1. Eisai sygouros gia ayto p les gia to maxprotocolRevesion?? Ti na s po .. nomiza oti ikseres 5 pragmata :P p.s:Tha ton kapseis ton anthropo xD
  2. Gia na mpenoun apo hellbound prepi na allakseis.. ayto gameserver/config/main/gameserver gia emu kai gia l2j gameserver/config/server!! MinProtocolRevision = 824 MaxProtocolRevision = 851 Oso gia to navicat prepi na katevaseis apo do http://www.navicat.com/download.html!! Kai tha katevaseis tin lite version !!!! Kai min katevaseis ayto p leei 30-dayTrial !!! p.s: Gl !!!
  3. -Egw ayto pou kano einai to ekseis vreisko to singekrimeno mob patao click+shift tha sou deiksei npc stat kai drop list esy tha patiseis drop list.. -meta add drop data ... sto proto to id tou egg sou sto deytero kai to treito min kai max posa thes na petaei kai sto val tha valeis 1 kai sto teleyteo -tha valeis tis pithanotites!! Tha kaneis delete to mob kai tha to ksanakeis spawn //kill kai tha deis to drop :) -Ean exeis epilogei auto loot na to exeis true sta config tou game server sou!!!
  4. O kathenas akouei tin dikoi tou mousikh....egw thelw klarina stin goddard kai tsamiko sti ketra peirazi?? :P Kai pali sou leo ean valeis kai ena link tha htan kalytero...;) p.s: Kai to link p evala exei plithora programaton mpori na dialeksei oti tou teriazei ;)
  5. Na edines kai ena link tha htan kalytero egw idoi exw ftia3ei convert pio polly gia mena ;D Gt ti mousiki pou ftiaxneis einai gia sena kai mono den mporoun na tin akousoun i alli tespa edw einai to link gia to syngekrimeno programa; http://www.qweas.com/download/audio_mp3/audio_converters/index-2.htm
  6. Gia host Gracia ta apo pano p dwsane ta pedia einai mia xara!! Twra gia ton server pou thes mono me host prota apo olla thes Static Ip ti enwo ....enwo Statheri IP!! Molis apoktiseis static ip i tin exeis idoi pas sta analoga config tou >log in< server kai tou >game server< kai apla vazeis tin ip tou rooter sou kai tin static ip pou exeis!! p.s:Ean exeis kapia aporia pm me!
  7. Hmmmm mpori kaneis na m eksygisei gt symvenei ayto otan prospatho na mpo ston server ..einai c4off ta exw kanei olla diagrafei ta arxeia tou c4 pali apo tin arxei exw paei kai se net coffe alla pali ta idia ti mporei na fteei?? Gia ayto to crt error??? http://img136.imageshack.us/my.php?image=critic1vr1.jpg
  8. p.x Vres tin armor p thes..kai <item id='10673' name="Artherias Helm"> <for> <add val='90' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <mul val='1.10' order='0x20' stat='pAtk'/> <<===evala p.atack <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/> </for> </item> Edw ta exeis ti mpori na valeis ta perisotera dld <mul val='1.40' order='0x40' stat='bleedVuln'/> <mul val='1.05' order='0x20' stat='pAtkSpd'/> <mul val='1.10' order='0x20' stat='mAtkSpd'/> <mul val='2.10' order='0x20' stat='mAtk'/> <mul val='1.80' order='0x30' stat='sleepVuln'/> <mul val='1.80' order='0x30' stat='rootVuln'/> <mul val='1.80' order='0x30' stat='stunVuln'/> <add val='15' order='0x40' stat='reflectDam'/>[\code]
  9. Egw pisteyo oti l2 pezete mono se low rate p den pirazoun tpt stous pextes...dioti den parousiazoun buggies ;) Twra oson afora tous high rate den ypraxei perisptosei na min vreis ena "bugopexti" opos lene... gt me tosa buffs pou kanoun....kai taytoxrona pirazoune ta stats mexrei kai o buferas mpori na nikisei :D
  10. That game sounds good I'm gonna try it! p.s:I got a error wen i try to log in.... what the problem? p.s: That say me --->>Can not connect with server error=PI,30022 ...!!!
  11. It's lies look the 3rd video flag waving .... air on moon?? That is possible???? American bolsh*T :P
  12. Eisai sygouros? That ownzzz Georgiou speaking :)) cgyhsF53484 Derby tou kolou :P BXbAWI_mqZ4
  13. Se kanw ban epi topou ...gt ta waring den metrane...:P
  14. First of all i can't see the post ok? second I WAS 1 POST!!! I WAS A NEWBIE!!!! Omg !!! And pliz all staff of MxC be more patient with newbie ... :'(
  15. K4rm4 you give me (-) wen i was 1 post.... and i told wtf? on general.... bcouz no1 told me what i do and were the right section.... and i learn it by my self...! See my post after second post if i do flaming ... spam and post it here!! :'(
  16. Grapse to onoma tou npc pou thes ..opos eipes to exeis dei logika tha exeis dei kai to onoma....grapsto kapou akrivos.... mpes ston server sou alt+g grapse to onoma tou akrivos kai NPCsearch...kai telionei to thema....;)
  17. Kai epidei einai multisell....?? egw ta allazo opote thelw....!!! p.s:File pes mas ti pack xrisimopeis gia na s po...!!
  18. I prefer l2j....btw!!! offToPIC@Jocker stop Spam At all the topic's i report you at moderator!!!
  19. Thats awesome i found for some1 who need free internet with wireless :D http://www.metacafe.com/watch/780754/free_wireless_internet_hack/ Credits: kekoukekou
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=35657.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24980.75 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22176.15 Name:Jocker.....!!! {GR}Ouden sxolio.... ??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=35911.0 {GR}Ta simperasmata dika sas.....
  21. Eisai se lathos section ...........................DIAVASE TA RULEZ PRIN POSTAREIS http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26844.0 Edw THA RWTAS!!!!! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=67.0
  22. {EN}It's a spam section read the rulez before posting!!! {GR}Einai spam section diavase ra rulez prin postareis!!!
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