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About Cobra

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    Near our Casa.

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  1. Gia ayto ton logo me ekanes ban? epidi to tsoutseki o justice se potizi? Maxtora >:D ta leme
  2. Thank you.
  3. you wish kid.
  4. i need to be evil to get my problem solved? Up.
  5. ive done this already with the same result.
  6. yes is set to expire to smf forum but here is new platform. dunno what is wrong. still same...
  7. i can log in with my main acc but i get an error. e.x: You dont have premission to view this forum.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=358302877609916&set=pb.100002906208772.-2207520000.1375664957.&type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-prn1%2F537205_358302877609916_1399469647_n.jpg&size=352%2C432 lol
  9. Cobra

    Logo Try

  10. Cobra

    Gay or not?

  11. Cobra

    Gay or not?

  12. Cobra

    Gay or not?

    Egw tha paw gia kafe sto Ilion ama eisai konta ela... malon i stin prova tha eimai i se mia alli apenanti :P
  13. Cobra

    Gay or not?

    Tha sas varaw kai tous dyo... kai meta tha sas valo na filithite sta magoula san endiksh simfilioseis :P
  14. Cobra

    Gay or not?

    Lmao it sounds like nasa have hidden weapons. xdem i don't get any pm. i don't hit womans and kids don't worry. (kidding)
  15. Cobra

    Gay or not?

    xdem where you live? :$
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