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Everything posted by AtheIstan

  1. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows how to properly modify zonename-e.dat? I am trying to add 2 different names within 1 region (kamalokas), but for some reason it always sees only my 1 input. If someone knows what are these:http://prntscr.com/txfqvx Thank you
  2. Hello guys, I am trying to add an effect to an NPC, this effect: http://prntscr.com/txai7q The problem is that this NPC does not have a Mommy bone so when I attach the effect to another bone, the effect moves with NPC's animations while I want it to be stable. Anyone knows how I can create a Mommy bone? I tried to copy from another NPC but then the rotation of the NPC breaks: http://prntscr.com/txajkd All I want is to add a Mommy bone which must not be affected by NPC's animations. Thank you
  3. Because I want to use various things like Texpanner to images to make some cards
  4. Hello I was wondering can I use Shaders and Finalblends to my NPC htmls or it has to be Texture only? Thank you
  5. I renamed all -r to -j and used Japan language to localization and now it works!
  6. hi guys, im having the following issue: when i set localization.ini to Russia then loading screen disappears and its always black, when I set it to English it's working good. Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/shkuta I tried to make a new loading on l2font-r but it never works thank you
  7. Select and full restart is okay with me, but I can't make it work
  8. Anyone have it translated to ru language? Thanks
  9. Yeah it doesnt work for me, because as I said I want to be able to change language while playing from settings. I also posted my interface code
  10. You probably did not understand..I can see Russian in game if I change localization to Language=8 and English when I set to =1 but I want to change those in game from option window live and not by editing localization.ini all time.
  11. hello guys, i am trying to add a russian language option to my interface, how I can make it update localization.ini option so the whole client changes to RU or ENG language? http://prntscr.com/sgq5el bEnableEngSelection = IsEnableEngSelection(); Language = GetLanguage(); switch( Language ) { case LANG_None: break; case LANG_Russian: class'UIAPI_COMBOBOX'.static.AddString( "OptionWnd.LanguageBox", "Russian" ); class'UIAPI_COMBOBOX'.static.AddString( "OptionWnd.LanguageBox", "English" ); if( bEnableEngSelection ) class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.static.EnableWindow( "OptionWnd.LanguageBox" ); else class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.static.DisableWindow( "OptionWnd.LanguageBox" ); break; case LANG_English: class'UIAPI_COMBOBOX'.static.AddString( "OptionWnd.LanguageBox", "English" ); class'UIAPI_COMBOBOX'.static.AddString( "OptionWnd.LanguageBox", "Russian" ); break; default: break; }
  12. hi guys, im adding valakas weapons and they work fine except for the eyes animations which i cant make them work: in game: https://gyazo.com/942db793f3de4bb06851eef8b4a0fa65 in engine: https://gyazo.com/6b8ebc994345a87c0e4172238d436878 as you can see, the eye animation is not working in game, any idea how i can make it work? thank you
  13. Thank you but im interested in how to inject to .dll files for now, if you guys have some info would be nice
  14. SmartCrypt is not that good, I am interested in injecting method to .dll
  15. hi again guys, anyone know how i can protect my .u files with a custom .dll? thanks
  16. Thanks for the reply, what about sounds?
  17. hello guys, i have downloaded some shares and i noticed that some guys are uploading just a .u file which contains everything in it (textures, meshes, staticmeshes, emitters) all in 1 .u file. I was wondering how I can do that, so all files are saved in .u and not in .utx, .ukx, .usx? thank you all
  18. Thing is I don't want the players to use Classic Client in order to login to server, but some of the features of classic client like armors description structure, weapons etc.
  19. Thank you for the reply but can you give me some more info please? I already have an acis pack and I don't want to start over from scratch.
  20. Hello, i am interested in using classic client to interlude server, does anybody know how to do that?
  21. Anyone know how I can fix this issue to 3ds max? https://gyazo.com/b66c2edd069a07d18f6c32824f6be456 Thank you
  22. Hey guys, I was wondering is the Gildor patch still needed for making .ukx animations? I have already created a ukx with armors, shields without any issue using L2Editor but I am trying to make an NPC and it's invisible in game (no critical errors or smth) it is just invisible, while I can see it normally with UEViewer. Is this happening because I don't have the gildor's patch? Thank you
  23. Hello, anyone have L2PE tool? I searched and couldn't find any valid link. Thank you
  24. Hello, I am using this tutorial to add an animated image to my server: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXnv7SXl_is This is my utx: https://gyazo.com/c6cb7721aa4b3a1065e7e9e525089221 But in game: http://prntscr.com/qzpvkh Anyone know? Thank you!
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