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Everything posted by iPwned

  1. Click START wait 5 min and you will login haha
  2. wtf? homemade serwer? lags when create character and cant login
  3. cant make character ;D Serwer HEAVY huh
  4. online 14 and what now? still is fine for new serwer?
  5. what nab delete all my post? for moderator you know here can say what think abaut serwer...
  6. 47 online - box = max 30 online now i see you hawe 34 online +box so its rly low...
  7. serwer still dont hawe more players than 30 oh :|
  8. buff system buff system buff system wtf? where i say abaut buff system? i fuck your buff system... Say me why ppl can get all epic on one night and now for one epic need full party?
  9. Failed serwer... When serwer start one player can solo all epic boss (need max 10 min alone) respawn boss 1 sec and ppl can farm it on night but on morning admin change all boss and now need full party for kill it coz hawe normal dmg (500-900) but with big attack speed 4 hit per secound and boss hawe big deff (from 27k hit on titan zealot frenzy blunt weppon hit for 1,5k) and now say me how i can kill this boss alone? 15 online on serwer and 10/15 players hawe full epic so how i can get party? Warrior/mage bone cancel steal buff 100% and retail like so -7 buff reuse full buff 4 sec oh qq
  10. you think i spam? wtf here is English & Greek Section so this user dont know rules on this forum?
  11. Here speed eanglish or leave from here >.<
  12. online 103 atm
  13. 95% poland serwer sux like this >.<
  14. For what you want login on serwer? this serwer will close lags ddos corupted wtf 19:45 Login server: Offline Game server: Offline Characters created: 780 Accounts created: 556 Voting system: Online Event Drop: x2 Oh Oh Wipe hah
  15. Diverius i think but not 100% its dwarf spoil
  16. Failed serwer some OP class debuffs 90% GM hawe priv character and play on it + help clan on siege hah
  17. sux serwer with funny admin >.< i dont know why he delete sws/bd/prophet lol so meaby delete dagers mages and tanks >.<
  18. Polish serwer = always failed
  19. So say me again old screen? http://zapodaj.net/401f17d898fe.bmp.html you lie :)
  20. old screen? i make this screen 10 min ago hah
  21. Oh rly? http://zapodaj.net/3767a54f2bfb.bmp.html its your end
  22. 4 clans? you dont hawe more than 2 online with GM's so nice more lie plx
  23. Serwer fail. Failed gk fail buffer fail admin and 2 online
  24. i see this serwer dont hawe online more than 10
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