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About Zule88

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  1. i cant.... i point this way FIFA 2010 is FOOTBALL GAME PES 2010 IS FOOTBALL SIMULATION i hope this explained a lot.....
  2. i start it, and could not verify, anybody got this problem ? l2w did not verify but its work's when use home etc
  3. i hate everybody who try to copy and earn fame larger than oblivion xDDD i just love that game xDDDD
  4. U are just to easy impressed or u have low standards, game is original , i give my support to one's i think can do something smart with my money and it has bugs u just dont know or dont want to notice them,
  5. u are the best bro ! Tnx alot!
  6. must test this when i return home! If its working u ar genius!
  7. Same here
  8. If u do that i will... I dont know what i woul do but i will do something
  9. U ar right. Tnx . Mby u know i have problem with ai label , i need something like Ifhavebuf(angelic icon) Continue Ifdonthavebuff(angelic icon) Call(ai) Is that posibla bro ?
  10. #1 u have situations where ur party just teleport around the map, u also can se that so many times npc enemy spawn from thin air. And when my bloodmage finished inside the wall... #2 i dont talk about distance, i talk about angle #3 dude storyline is brave heart movie or bunch other movies we see every day only they changed g bit, quest ar running around smashing the enemy rambo style, god wins over evil or w/e... Tell me, u really that much impresed ? If u are u got pc half an year ago or u born yesterday u forgot oblivion ? Fall out ? Ofc this original game with kick ass graphic ! Its pwn! Rofl game is made in just to short period of time to get better grade
  11. overall they downgraded me1, i like planet explorations do, but this game is goin to fps soon ... This wasnt rpg , its some ugly mix but storyline save's the day
  12. i cant imagine i will leave my current server cos of this. Probably even i quit eve online but i am sure i will ... Simple cant wait
  13. honestly.... I don't like this game... This is nothing new... Graphic has alot of bugs, camera very limited, and game has 0 creativity, game is pure marketing game to lure graphic kick ass addicts i rate it 5/10
  14. u all joke right ? Main flaw of fifa its that u can score 50 times on completly same way! Pes is faaar more realistic! Afterall fifa is making that game for younger users who say that game is good only if graphic is awesome and sound good! Pes went to other side, better and more realistic gameplay which older and more experienced users simple demand. Remember almost all legendary games did not had superb graphic! Translation fifa is 4 kids period.
  15. dagger! Fast moving trickster with moto hit&run and better to dont get hit at all than to hide behind 100 kg of heavy armor xD
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