Hi i stoped playing L2 2 mounts ago, but i cand break up with it, it becomed a "part of me",
I ofer my GM services for anyone who has need or does not have time to spend on server,
I ofer to pay for some of the server bills by donating 5 euro each mount i spend on server;
Once i find a server i will bring ~10 new players on the respective server,
My developing skills i am sad to say that they are to low, but i do a awsome job of GMing.
I played on lots of servers and i know how to make a gameplay that will bring players.
I am 18 years old, i speek perfect english and romanian, i'm from romania, i have been playing
L2 for 4 years, i have a vast knolage of bugs and exploits, and i know how to treet players and
how to break any conflicts with plaesing both sides.
And i know how to listen to players, a thing that not many GMs know !
You can contact me at : farcry_tm@yahoo.com