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Everything posted by Drakwolf

  1. update: server classes had been balanced for pvp
  2. Server updated* p.s. flame away this is not a easy gameplay server
  3. server updated !
  4. new server 1 day old 15 ppl online friendly comunity
  5. first join server and then thalk p.s. you can join academy at lvl 40
  6. http://L2Xtreem.ucoz.com Lineage ][ Xtreem Freya PvP All you need in shop Full buffs The New Age Of PvP Start level 40 LvL 85 in 1 min Subclass Level 85 Safe enchant 6 Max enchant 30 Enchant rate 75 Blessed Enchant 95 Two Custom stat Items Custom 2 Farming Zones Custom PvP Zone 5 Subclass NO quest Custom class changer Noblesse no quest Fast farming Events: team vs team Last man standing Hide and seek Trivia Kill the beast Server Update: Scheme buffer Special RB drop added in pvp zone Farm 2 changed to favorize pvp Events added: Elphy invasion Rabit seek the chest Monster racing Nude patch added New enchant glows(female only) Classes balanced for pvp and party pvp
  7. BumP If you don't know the game just try it for a few days, i guarantee you will be amazed how nice and fun this game is.
  8. Shot Online Acc lvl 102 zygmunt. full clubs fitted, full stats clothes, master pro. 1.5 bil ng on acc,drinks & stuff. i give the acc with the e-mail so you will be sure i won't steal it back. the price is 100$, i invested a lot more in CC. contact me with pm or at yahoo id: vexxatu_vexx_05@yahoo.com
  9. how can i add a pvp drop? wen you kill a player you recive 1 coin of luck
  10. cine ma ajuta sa fac un server de l2? nu prea ma pricep add: farcry_tm
  11. the server is NEW we are starting to build comunity
  12. very original server! , nice features is somenthing you must try !!! great server ! up
  13. i am a beginer at developing and i'm trying to implement some stuff , but i cant find the path is something like this: C:/Documents and Settings/Albion/workspace/Gracia Core/java/net i searched my server pack(g3) but i cant find this ! PLZ HELP
  14. how can i contact you ? except forum
  15. but there is hope
  16. i am searching for someone wich does not play money for our server , someone wich have a spear pc at his internet-cafe, or a pc at home or something like this , but if someone wants to rent a profesional server i dont decline :P
  17. We are 2 GMs/Developers/Owners wich worked on a l2jfree gracia final faction server with original gameplay , we worked on this project for 3 monts and due to a unfortuned family problem of one of us we never got to open our server! Now we are searching for a server machine wick will be opened 24/7 for our project, We only can pay in giving the hoster GM or a full donate character and +100 players plz help if you can :)
  19. thanks ! you are life savers! :D
  20. thanks a lot ! but i get cought wat punisment i will recive? :D
  21. i will be punished in any way if i make a private server?
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