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Everything posted by untam3d

  1. Xsjado Aion Features: - Instant Lvl 50 - Max Lvl Is Over 50 - Custom Gear - Custom Drops - Custom Instances - Custom Shops - Latest rev of Aion Unique - Max level = 60 (Stats were raised per lvl with a retail-like pattern) - Lvl 60 Mythic Set (Armor and Weapons) - Professional, helpful & active staff - Custom instances - Ingame vote reward system (//shop) All This And More! Features: -Updates every day Coming Soon: -More custom instances -More custom gear -Lvl 30-35 PvP zone & Lvl 55-60 PvP zone -Special PvP points for each of the new PvP zones -Lvl 55 and 60 skills -Higher Lvl Cap -And much more, just wait and see :) http://xsjado-aion.com
  2. Phoenix Aion Phoenix Aion supports version We use the latest version of the Aion-Unique core. We have a very active staff and development team to work on the server. Aion Unique allows us the following features: ‧ Characters creation. ‧ All basic chat types. ‧ Player inventory. ‧ Player cube expansion (inventory). ‧ Items support. ‧ Exping and level up is possible. ‧ Player stats increase until level 9. ‧ Monsters move and attack normally. ‧ Merchant npc sale & buy items. ‧ Drop and loot system from monsters. ‧ Normal & Flight Teleport. ‧ Trade between players. ‧ Player duel system. ‧ Players friend system. ‧ Npc titles. ‧ Other npcs <> players interaction. ‧ Basic damage skills. ‧ Items stats attributes, attack, defense, etc. ‧ Quests basic system. ‧ Mana Stones. ‧ Abyss Gates & Coliseum Teleporters working. ‧ Player Search [V] Working. On top of the basic Aion Unique features, we have: -Retail-like player damage formulas -Weakened monster damage -Raised HP Regen -Most skills work, although some may not be completely retail like -You actually die if you are killed by a player and you aren't in a duel -You don't lose EXP upon death, ever -Most monsters are spawned, but maybe not in the exact right spot -Almost every monster does drop items for your level, although the drops are also under construction. -DP system works. Although DP skills currently don't lower your DP... yet. -Many of our skills are working, although there are a bit that need to be worked on. Report skill bugs on our forum. -Completely working and retail-like casting cancellation system -More coming soon, especially more fixes. We do have a java [core] developer. We are a brand new server. URL: http://phoenixaion.co.cc Forums: http://phoenixaion.co.cc/forum Rates: Changes every 5 levels. Start at 8x at lvl 1, and at lvl 45 its up to 33x = EXP 20x = Kinah Same as Normal EXP, but a tad bit higher overall = Group EXP 30x = Quest EXP 10x = Drop
  3. We are back after 27 hours of being down. Sorry about that, our host was having some major technical difficulties. For those who don't know, we have a custom, made-from-scratch buffer. It is a major core edit and is quite different from anything you have ever seen before! Log in to check it out! Also, it's an item [flute], not an NPC :D Healer coming soon to Giran. Increased dance/song/prophecy times coming soon.
  4. This is an english server. Gracia Part 2. No Client Mods or crappy customs. This is indeed a PvP-Oriented server. -No XP/Adena. Instant 85 from about 5-10 one-hit-kill mobs. -Two currency systems. You get two ancient adena from each PvP[not PK] kill. You get 10 Kinship Crystals from each TvT win. -Dual Box Protection for both PvP and TvT. -Geodata & Pathnodes Enabled -Updates & Balances almost every day! -Great Uptime -Professional, Friendly staff! -With 100 ancient adena, you can get a stat tattoo. This tattoo gives +5 to one stat, depending on the tattoo you choose. -B/C Grade for free. A/S grade for ancient adena. Enchant Scrolls/Augment Stones with kinship crystals. -Gatekeeper to main town and three popular PvP areas! -Custom scheme buffer. Make a scheme, choose your buffs, and never have to choose them again! Saves a lot of time. -Prophet buffs only. -All this and much much more. Please note we are currently in OPEN BETA!! Please report any bugs or cheaters or anything of that sort on our forums or to a GM ingame. Site: http://gzunleashed.net/l2
  5. Title says it all. I'm looking for the last public rev of L2J Oneo Interlude, hosted somewhere. Thanks alot guys!
  6. Makrid, please make sure you are using a clean Gracia Part 2 client. And Kavlita, that is 100% your opinion. I opened it up as a stack sub due to high demand.
  7. Server back up as simple main+3 stack sub server. Enjoy.
  8. As title says, this is an American [English] stack sub server. Your main char + three subs. This server is INTERLUDE!! We are OPEN BETA, so expect some bugs, and report them all please. Although we are almost certain we will not wipe, unless something really majorly bad happens. Rates: x10k XP x5k Adena x3 Drop Enchant Rates: 70% +2 Safe +16 Max Wep +10 Max Armor/Jewelry http://gzunleashed.net/l2
  9. Blackout WoW 2.4.3 The Burning Crusade Features: PvP For Your Gear - Tokens from PvPs - Gear from Tokens Friendly and Helpful GMs! Instant 70 Great Uptime Events Daily!! Custom Teleporter All BGs working Insane + BALANCED PvP!!!! Balanced Donor Gear Blackout WoW is offline - Register/Online [ignore the offline part, it's a messed up title. Uptime of this server is great!] Blackout PvP - Forum set realmlist blackout.servegame.org - Realmlist
  10. http://crypticl2.freeprivateservers.net/ Part of the freeprivateservers.net community! Server Rates x2500 XP x1000 SP x1000 Adena x10 Drop x15 Spoil Enchant Rates +7 Safe 85% Wep 80% Armor/Jewlery +35 Max Wep +26 Max Armor/Jewlery Customs: Epic Wings Epic Weps Artherias Armor -HELLBOUND- HOSTED ON A DEDICATED SERVER!
  11. Try using hellbound geodata, if it exists. Most, if not all, L2J Gracia packs are currently based on the L2J Hellbound core.
  12. <skill id="9918" levels="1" name="Dance of Aqua Guard"> <set name="mpConsume" val="0"/> <set name="nextDanceCost" val="0"/> <table name="#Tab-waterRes"> 3 </table> <set name="power" val="0.0"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="hitTime" val="1"/> <set name="reuseDelay" val="1"/> <set name="skillTime" val="1"/> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> <set name="isDance" val="true"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="buffDuration" val="18000000"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/> <for> <effect name="Buff" time="21600" count="1" val="0" stackOrder="#Tab-waterRes" stackType="waterResUp"> <mul order="0x40" stat="waterRes" val="#Tab-waterRes"/> </effect> </for> </skill> This skill does not have core support, it needs to be disabled: <skill id="9918" levels="1" name="Dance of Aqua Guard"> <set name="target" val="TARGET_NONE" /> <set name="skillType" val="NOTDONE" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE" /> <set name="castRange" val="-1" /> <for></for> </skill> For the second error, delete this, [sleep Resistance also has no core support and needs to be disabled]: <add val='70' order='0x40' stat='sleepRes'> <and> <using slotitem="50001;11"/> <using slotitem="50003;12"/> <using slotitem="50002;9"/> </and> </add>
  13. It's not in russian, and it works great on my hellbound client. Thanks alot!
  14. Lineage2Java XML is fun, you can do alot. For example, you can make it so that duals give +4 effects at +0.
  15. Pretty sure I've seen something like this in custom section of l2j free forums, or maybe it was l2j forums custom section. Hmm, not sure, but I have seen it! Its a jython script that makes an npc, when ur lvl 80, lowers ur xp down to lvl 1, and gives u a skill or item.
  16. Seems right to me. Normal gives 1, crystal 1000, blessed 100.
  17. Mind lowering the required posts to around 30 or so? Much appreciated.
  18. Nice!! Really helpful, but maybe add a link or two to some guides on how to set it up with all this stuff :P :P
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