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Everything posted by Atomlux

  1. here`s an idea!! you guys try it!
  2. well if someone has a guide on how to make this work, or how to connect it, i would appreciate it, cuz i looked at the AngelBot forums and i couldnt find one like a step by step guide.
  3. if you want to download the bot, you got to register and login into the Forum to find the download links
  4. just started playing AION on a private server, and along with these guides im doing great :D thank you
  5. what would happen if you forget to sign up your Bladedancer, would this situation work? like dance on the top soil and get the dances in the catacombs?
  6. say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, i understood like half or maybe less, in every server theres 100% chance of working until +3!! and by guns do you mean weapons???
  7. haha funny, but maybe a little bit dangerous, maybe if someone rats you out, or a GM sees you, he will probably know you did something "wrong" to get that name. buttt nice for a while :)
  8. I think i understood it 1)Buff your Greater Wolf 2)Attack Raidboss (because Raidboss does not attack back at Pet?) 3)Some Raidbosses attack your pet and some do not? i think thats what he ment, how about telling us the server where it worked and a raid where it worked.
  9. the server i tried it on is called L2 Elwyn Ludmila, recently went from C4 to Hellbound, so probly server files still buggy and have not been fully fixed, like most of the HP/CP talismans dont even work =/
  10. Hellbound Server... today i went to the Aden accesory or grocery Shop cant remember which, bought myself an Iron bracelet and a yellow speed talisman, put both on, got the speed bonus then took my bracelet off (talisman comes off automatically when you do this), and the speed bonus was still there, so i get the speed bonus and the talisman doesnt get wasted, stays 60/60. in conclusion, i beat the system (?).
  11. i think the only logical reason for doing this is if your about to lose a castle and you are desperate.
  12. tried it in C4 Off, and guess what? it didnt work, the haste potion went into my buff slot, and when i died it went away and i didnt get 4k speed. tried it 3 times lost 12% exp -.- p.s. i dunno why i tried it, it was sooo obvius that it wasnt gonna work xD
  13. i think I THINK that he means that when you hit the raid boss, it paralizes you, and then your friend casts anchor on you and so when the effect of anchor is gone you regain control of your player but you cant move. or something like that =P
  14. hahaha that is absolutely awsome, congratulations and thank you for the share! ima go try it now =)
  15. damn! i wish i seen this be4 i tatued my HE. nice share thx
  16. in the "send packets" tab... and almost all of these wont work, cuz they are as old as my grandma.
  17. correction!! it did work for me i tried it again today but in a lake and it worked XD
  18. bummer dont work for me =(, tried it in the ocean in C4 Official and got the air gauge and drowned =/
  19. go over here, http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=39.0 and maybe just maybe somebody with a kind heart will help you.
  20. so lets say i take a party of daggers to kill some random Raidboss and tell them all to use their skill, when one of them does a lethal hit, bye bye Raidboss HP?
  21. thank you, a huge timesaver.
  22. quuiiick over here! before they bann youuu http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=39.0
  23. mmm i dont understand =S, what is "oly"???
  24. in interlude (at least in my server) when you ask for Noblesse teleport and your not a noblesse it doesnt show you the choices, it just says your not a noblesse you cant teleport.
  25. maybe the easiest way out is taking outthe frozen and blazing things.
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