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About skut

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  1. Not Bad but kinda familar like others. Anyway Thx for SHARE
  2. ye but this glow is not as others... it have shape as a zariche and i don't need that shape... i need new one
  3. Hehe Hi :) extreme. He asked what armore i have in my signature :) This is Apella. BTW someone know how to made new glow? like this what i need? :P :P
  4. I need new glowes it should be like zarchie (flame one) but more smooth because i need to use it in other weapons like Bows, daggers, maces, etc. It can be somethink like fire glow but only one reason is to it need to fit to all weapons. Please help me with it. Because i doesn't rly know how to do that, i've tryed to edit zariche glow but it doesn't wotk. It need to be a new one
  5. Sar4noIIa / Spoli etc :D
  6. On different servers those bows are different. On one they are same and on other they have some specyfic like DB more crits SB faster shooting etc
  7. Gracia for now is rly bugged. And in fact all l2j servers are not protected
  8. Guide is not bad but little short
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