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Everything posted by TILEMACHOS

  1. You take critical cause the functions from interlude to gracia are changed... It will need some changes to make it work But this is Clockman's work... I don't wanna edit programms from guys that are sharing their work for free :)
  2. Clockman... I need your help... I wanna just to now the way you are calling API's throught L2 client... I just understand that L2walker IG does not sending and recieving Packets like OOG But Control the game throught API calls like you dll... I have found a way that make me understand what every API function is doing :D And i need your help to show me your way in hook and control those API's in C++... I'll make a program like L2walker IG with much more functions and easiest to use... If you help i'll add you in credit's of course.. Plz Answer :)
  3. No... :/ I have too many work this month and i don't have too much time... :( But Don't worry...new Bots like L2walker IG will be made those days... In sometime i ll share the great news :D
  4. I think completely block this think is a bit diffycult hehe Even block the way is used to hook in L2...There are Codecaves :D :D There are too many ways to hook or inject code in processes... That means instead of hooking to procces we are able to add the code in a file of our client and add a simple call and start running... Codecave method is commonly used on adding protections on clients..so this is a good way to make it difficult to block Of course they can block the way i give with some stupid protectors...but even if someone try to add protection i have to say one and only one think... Reverse Engineer is here ;)
  5. Yeah man i looked inside your dll and is really great... You are calling API's inside L2 client throught an HTML file...This is similar to an old Exploit the HELP.htm This is really lightweight and fast...but i think that this can have a GUI enviroment with much more functions... Maybe you should release the source because this opens a new way on Bot/cheat/exploiting in Lineage2 Or share an alpha source with the basic hooking proccess
  6. This is really something great..!!! Nice Share...!! I also had the idea to make something similar but i stoped my project due to lack of time... Really really nice...and for sure we can add much more function and make it work easier... Thanks for this share..time to improve it :D EDIT: I just Check the IAT of those dll files... And i found something really amazing... No Ws_32.dll imports and there is no any import in client files..this is impresing..i mean the method for hook in l2 client If this think get more functions will be the real revolution for botting in servers The most impressing is that code of l2ui.dll can added in a cave of a client dll and call it some way... You made my day man :D Is there any source code??
  7. No it's not in the correct section... This post must be moved to request section
  8. Well guys i'm fully back... I finished some works i had to to this week..! So tonight i ll try to make a new system that will be capable running more than 2 clients.. I have to find the way :) Just be patient P.s. : Paokole dn mou aresi to signature sou katholou re file
  9. That s my way too Antiviruses for me are just stuppid programs... I ll never use one of those...
  10. Yeah oddi some nop and jump but i have many problems on this right now... L2walker seems to be a very clever program on injection I'm really sorry about this next time i ll do it as you say :) Sorry again
  11. 1) Run as Administator 2) Correct the Desktop Shortcut
  12. Files already used by many many users... Dlls may found like infected are the dlls comes from Fyyre.. Token and port change dlls Don't be afraid my friend :)
  13. Alright guys!!! Great News!!! I managed to unpack L2walker.dll 2.17 from VMProtect :D :D :D You Know what that means?? We can start making a crack for verify :D :D Anyone who is skilled on cracking can pm me for share and give a try on Plz this is for serious talker only... if you don't have idea on reversing don't even think of asking me something
  14. Well even is a copy/paste guide...dont blame him for what he did.... It is a very well maded guide that is easy to understand from anybody Why the members of this site should tracing in other forums to find something intersting?? We can Have anything we want here even if is copied from somewhere else...:D I suggest this must be sticky...!! So MasterWalker thnx for this... :)
  15. Euxaristo poly... Tora mporw na synexiso na postaro k kainourgia pragmata se auto to forum afou oi moderators dn afinoun ta pragmata sti tyxi tous :) K mallon k VIP member se liges meres
  16. Well i think moderators doing nothing because of the changed link... Try download from his thread and you ll see the name of the file... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DBWDBWSL L2Sublimited Telis.exe The one i made... Plz send his thread to junkyard...
  17. Understand exacly what they did in the past... They used a payed account and they logged in official to get verified... Sniffed the packets Added to this emulator...and Here we are...they did it... But i think we can make it by look inside the packets transfered in P2P verification (with loopback adapter and forward.bat) than pay them an account
  18. Oh God :D I didn't know that there was an opensource l2asrv :D :D :D Thank you very much
  19. Well guys... A huge problem that comes with new walker is verify... The simpliest way to bypass it right now is P2P verify...simply by adding a Loopback adapter... But in the past Xen Shown us a way with Local Verify Server Emulator... :D If you use it now can't do nothing with 2.17 version...why?? Because things changed a lot...but not so much :D We can make walker listens local for verify by simply add the old known hosts...but with one change.. Walker don't listen more one port 5001...5005 Now Walker Listens on port 6010 So if you change in L2W_SE port Range from 5001,4 to 6010,4 you ll get a local connect with the verifier but no Verify....Actually you ll get a message wrong header...!!! What we need to fix it??? We need understand how L2W_SE handles and send the verify packet to walker...Off course we need to know the packet structure...or if things are simpliest..they just changed some headers in packets?? Anyone has a good idea?? Here i Provide to you people an Unpacked Version of a Verify Emulator....Emulator unpacked by Navicat Try to understand how it works and make your changes if you understand and have an idea on this ;) Lets leave those stupid P2P Verify methods....We have to options... 1) Modify emulator Sending/Recieving correct packets 2) Unpack L2walker.dll from VMProtect and crack to bypass Verify <--Actually this is the best Let's See what we can do on this...Anyone Knows how to unpack VMPROTECT plz send me a message Thank you Very much
  20. Still no Action...and even that he feels so good about that saying he don't care
  21. RELAX??? Unhide a hidden post by posting it in a new thread... What is this...??
  22. Hmmm Mpj i don't Remember... My Name there was Navicat... Me and 3 friends played there (Dsquared2,Snif and Purkur) Rulled basicly at Ketra TP where pvp was unstopable... Treasure Hunter and Jesus Christ assistant As a Greek proverb says hahahahaha
  23. Is This a Joke or not?? No Action... :(
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