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Everything posted by TILEMACHOS

  1. No Action.... At least he can change the download links of the bot system...and redirect the people in my thread for downloading... As he is doing for the multiboxing guide
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=179828.0 What this supose to be?? he post again my work??? I made a working system compatible with bot for this Server.... I have shared already....here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=176391.0 :o :o :o :o
  3. Mistake In link : 2) Walker Modification 2.09 with 2.17 Item database New link Here : Walker Modification 2.09 with 2.17 Item database UPDATED I am sure that Kashas Legs are tremble from this post HAHAHAHA
  4. Thank you very much...of course it's true that i made it to bypass it :) Check you pm's my friend... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SORRY GUYS A LAST UPDATE.... DELETE OLD FILES DOWNLOAD AGAIN THANK YOU VERY MUCH -=UPDATE=- Date : 06/10/2010 Delete Previous files you have downloaded.... All files are Updated due to Bug Fixes!! Added Interlude Modification with Moded L2aSrv 2.09 Version now can read all Items database from 2.17version Also a link to thread to show you how to run walker in Win 7 Plz Download Again
  5. Plz Delete these thread... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=179544.0 this thing does not connect to L2dex as he says... i am giving some first explanations why in a reply i left in there :)
  6. -=UPDATE=- Delete Previous files you have downloaded.... All files are Updated due to Bug Fixes!! Plz Download Again Here
  7. Ok i m going to edit this version and share it to tell me if it is working :) Just wait i m gonna make it right now
  8. Well MasterWalker.... There is one way to fix all of your problems with compatibility of WIN7 ;) FORMAT As Soon As Posible.... WIN7 is another one crappy Windows Release... Windows XP is the best release that microsoft ever made...
  9. Hey Oddi :D :D I just made it work with L2walker IG because this program is easy to use :) Yeah of Course will work.. You have done great job on L2.NET :) Let me give you an advice... Try make L2.NET look and have the same and more functions than L2walker! Keep up the good work with L2.NET i ll support you and i ll try to help on anything L2.NET team needs
  10. I sended again because you don't gave an answer... Ok i m moving to netcafe where there are some pcs with WIN 7 and i 'm gonna make it work.. Just wait :D
  11. Yes i Did as you can see in my share :D Try add this file in Navicat 2.17 Tilemachos and telll me if it works with Win 7.. http://www12.zippyshare.com/v/17965971/file.html
  12. Let me tell you something... L2walker creator made his program and he does not want anybody cheat on him... So what he can do to prevent people like me edit his program??? He is using a protector.... In 2.17 l2walker.dll is protected with VMprotect It is very hard to release a file from this protection...If someone do that then we can crack this version and verify like older versions.. You can't link this file (add imports) because it is protected.... Lnavicat.dll on 2.09 is free from protectors...i have unpack this think..so you can add imports and exports on it or do anything else you wanna do...
  13. Thank you very much :D Is there somone who knows how to unpack VMprotect??
  14. Of Course you can't link it because it is packed with Vmprotect and all important data is unreadable... So i think the only think that make it compitable with win 7 is the manifest file... So try add this in 2.17 folder that i provided...and run Lnavicat.exe http://www12.zippyshare.com/v/17965971/file.html
  15. Maybe there some maps that missing from my share :/ I was in Aden and map was working...so get maps from other walker and paste them inside my folder With 2.17 i can connect but i can't verify :/ I suspend Processes because in elixir i get non funcional l2.exe after some time...and suspending those threads is the solution
  16. It's not only msxml4b.dll ...it is also fire.dll and ALaudio.dll Corrupted while running..hmmmm Try this... It is 2.17 Mod by me... L2 Walker 2.17 Navicat Mod Greece ::) 8)
  17. This is a really nice work :) It's time to leave this Crappy Java Servers and pass to a real server written in a stable language :D Gratz Man
  18. Emir0n check your pms my friend.... Even if Kasha add my files to his blacklist i can make new that can bypass :D
  19. -=UPDATE=- Date : 06/10/2010 Delete Previous files you have downloaded.... All files are Updated due to Bug Fixes!! Added Interlude Modification with Moded L2aSrv 2.09 Version now can read all Items database from 2.17version Also a link to thread to show you how to run walker in Win 7 Plz Download Again ____________________________________________ Alright guys...that was it... It is time to share my Walker Files For Connecting in Servers With Kasha Security Modules You Can Also Use This Walker to bypass and many other securitys :D In a few steps i will show you how to connect with my files.... It's simple but if you are NOOB plz leave this thread ASAP and don't ask questions Don't Ask who is Navicat...it is the nickname i use in Lineage,forums and my modifications First of all i ll share the files : _________________________________________________________________________________________ 1) My interlude Modification with Moded L2aSrv invisible by Kasha =============================================================================== 2) Walker Modification 2.09 with 2.17 Item database <---- Link Updated Again P.s : If you have problems with corrupted L2.exe while pressing run on Navicat Loader... Or Running under Win 7... Use the Import Dll Method : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=123400.msg1306764#msg1306764 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Here is a guide : Before i start i have to tell you that there are somethings that you must find by yourself Because Kasha Module is different from Server to Server... MasterWalker has shown to you a guide on how to kill modules that tracking down hacks running on system etc. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=162556.0 You must learn this technique before you start... But instead of KILLING modules you must SUSPEND them... Let's Begin.... I will show you my files working on a famous Server... L2 Elixir Who is using Kasha Security Module :D Important: Parts 3,4 Must done as fast as you can!!! 1) Run Naviexp.exe 2) Run Navicat.exe Select the L2.exe from your system and press Run 3) Wait until L2.exe loads up to login Screen and Go fast to Navicat Explorer and track down L2.exe and double click on it... 4) Go to tab Threads and search for threads from : Msxml4b.dll , ALaudio.dll , Fire.dll and Suspend them...(P.S. : This is not the same for every server...this is for L2Elixir,You have to track down by your self witch are the treads that checking for hacks etc. ) 5) Close Navicat Explorer Login and have a Happy Bot Day :D :D :D
  20. And here comes the LoL from me.. I am trying to connect on L2Elixir Server with bot...Gracia final server... I am using my own 2.17 modification of l2walker...i connect normally..i can see all the skills etc. but i can't verify :P
  21. Today i ended my story with the surgery and i am out again.. :) Yeah guys i made an IG L2walker witch can connect with out kicking or ban you from the server...more news in the next days :D
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