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  1. I think that only 1% of the people here in the forum understand what assembly,C++ or other computer language is and how they can use them... This is the largest community for Lineage2... Hope one day a Section for Reverse Engineer and Software Engineer to be Added in this Forum.. The only thing that this forum has is a Client Modification Section but the most people there are releasing Armor graphics and silly things
  2. Ohhh god you can't understand what i am say... You Open the files in WOTGreal... you can read the UC content wirhout exporting them!!! You can export the uc files with both of the programs ( UTPT , WOTGreal ) but you can not compile them in .U file cause there is no UCC for Lineage... Only NCSOFT has a the Compiler for the Game. So to edit the .U files the only option is a HEX editor... You are Using WOTGreal only to fast find the UC script Lines and read them like a text...When you find them you go and Edit the lines in the HEX editor!!! We talking for the same think but i give you the fast way
  3. This is not configured by me... i can't understand why you can't get my files work on your pc's guys... I tested my files on Win Xp service pack 3 and win7 32 bit and are working great
  4. I wish it was open source... But it is not The only who can provide this is the company that made it
  5. WOTGreal is faster because you can read the uc content fast with out exporting... :)
  6. This time i shared to connect with hide toolz due to luck of time to unpack the clientex.dll Tonight i ll start the unpack proccess to make it able to open as many clients as you want to open and with out using hide toolz :)
  7. Yes u can't compile the uc files in .U because we don't have the Original Unreal Engine for Lineage that only NcSoft has.. So what we do?? We just inspecting the files from the WOT and then we decrypt and we searching for the key words we wanna change in a hex editor... Read what i say :)
  8. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=103817.0 he share an auth server for L2walker 1.79 for interlude...this think can be found almost in every folder of L2walker It is a very common file... This think does not need a whole thread to be shared
  9. Of course Lineage2 But i ll never forget Max Payne :P
  10. Oxi re mlk!!!!!!! XAXAXAXAXAXAXA
  11. Actually you can use this tool : WOTgreal EXPORTER With this tool you can read the Script files inside .U files What you do next is... 1) You are using L2decrypt to decrypt the target .U file 2) You can open the decrypted file with your hex editor ( Flex Hex is the best for sure ) 3) Search and replace the strings you want ( It don't need to be in hexademical structure..you can use Ansi characters ) 4) Crypt again the file and run :) You can really handle all the thinks from those files... But be carefull :) P.S. : This is not a ultimate share... It is a really basic think that a newbie that tries to modify an Unreal Engine system must Know
  12. Guys i am actually using windows Xp Pro SP3 at home... Because of the low RAM memory needed and of course because the programs i use to Reverse Engineer and the plug-ins i use to hide them are working 100% only on Win XP Windows Vista and Win7 have great Graphical User Interface but i prefer the Performance that Win XP giving Maybe Win7 giving much more FPS for games and many more things but i don't need them
  13. Guys it is so easy... Look the images below... On first attemp there always will be a DC but you press ok and you login again normally :)
  14. Go in hide toolz and find Navicat Verify -> Right click on it and press hide... The same for Navicat.exe
  15. What windows do you have?? EDIT : Win 7 32... ok go to fyyre's website and download from there.. here is a link : http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/projects/HideToolz.rar it is only for 32 bit systems ( x86 ) for 64 bit system Fyyre will release a new version as he say in his page
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