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About squadforce

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  1. i remember always liked to use both DC and MA sets, like when i wanna pk some1 i use MA for 1hit kills, with stronger spell ofc xD, and use DC while im runnin around killin mobs, or when in arena havin fun xD
  2. pretty nive lookin banners, only i hate the background xDD
  3. My oldclan had its name :Ruffians: xDD it was one of 2 best clans in the server, life time cw with other one xD
  4. i always loved havin Dominator/tyrant/BladeDancer/Soultaker
  5. RPG is a category of a game xDD if u mean pvp=player vs player, then pve=player vs envirement(dunno whats the correct spelling) xD
  6. nice characters u got ppl ;] to bad i dont play l2 anymore, didnt save any pictures of my chars ;S
  7. OMG o.O thats a big load of fonts xDD ima take all of them
  8. i palyed this one, took me like a week to defeat 2 trainers lol.....ofcoarse i was lvling my pokemons too...
  9. why ppl make such NON uber GR8 games that require payment ;? tahts so stupid...
  10. most of the servers have anti speed hack security on so not much of those hacks can help, well exept for the minimap dots of treasures,herbs,minerals....and water walking xD that rulez +wall climb, always have it on ;]
  11. dude, i prefer you to play the one u enjoyed playing, not the one that ppl will tell you to play xD if u havent tried it yet, try it now, thats what i do always xD
  12. great share dude ;)
  13. every one say its old, i see it first time and i believe it works, ill try it as soon as i get a chance :D
  14. doesnt work for me :(
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