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Everything posted by Semyazza

  1. thx norka it worked for me. Anyway its kinda weird because i had to download your bot files. When i changed mine it didint work for me
  2. Hello i was looking for loading force by energy stones but i didint find any information about that i tried to use different l2walker options in buffs section but none of that worked well. I was hoping for some simple script that load (focus) energy using stones every time when energy lvl is under 2. Thanks in advance
  3. hey i have weird problem using l2net i connect successfully but l2net dont get any char list server is runing on interlude (avalon) server ip: www: http://avalonas.hogvartsas.lt/index.php i use 384 version of l2net those are my logs: 22:57:54 :[gameserver - keys forwarded to client 22:57:54 :[gameserver - got packet encryption key 22:57:54 :[Welcome to the game loop 22:57:54 :[client -> bot gameserver : connected 22:57:54 :[valid protocol... forwarding to game server 22:57:54 :[ig - starting bot threads 22:57:54 :[bot -> gameserver : connected 22:57:54 :[bot -> gameserver : opening 22:57:54 :[valid protocol... waiting for game server connection 22:57:54 :[protocol version: 746 22:57:54 :[client -> bot gameserver : connected 22:57:53 :[bartz: 862/2000 22:57:53 :[loginsend - got the server list; modifying packet and sending to client 22:57:51 :[login ok 22:57:50 :[bot -> loginserver : connected 22:57:50 :[bot -> loginserver : opening 22:57:50 :[client -> bot loginserver : connected 22:57:24 :[client -> bot gameserver : using port 7777 22:57:24 :[client -> bot gameserver : waiting 22:57:24 :[client -> bot loginserver : waiting 22:57:17 :[loaded saved enterworld packet 22:57:17 :[loaded saved blowfish list 22:57:17 :[loaded saved server list thanks for any help!
  4. you cant "hack" to program because you need source code to change anything... and start learning c++ if u want "hack" anything whatever "hack" means geez
  5. F1 - cp macro F2 - healing pot F3,F4,F5 - Stabs F6 - bleed 1 - attack 2 - trick 3 - switch (if have) i play daggers
  6. i was botting on crowded places and watching movies at the same time i never get caught ;) just sit in front of computer, make l2 as windows and do something else but just remember to check whats is going on in game
  7. it works for l2j and l2off but "bot working" depends from antibot protection ;)
  8. it could be done by scripts i think anyway its for l2walker or l2net?
  9. depends from client when i was playing on C5 server i could open 6-8 games and it was playable with 4 open games now i play hellbound and i have lags with 2 open games :/
  10. i play Frintezza x10 hellbound, but its more like relaxing gaming than "uber exping"
  11. i was banned once or twice for sure i know that i was baned once for using bot or botlike program but hopefully it was when i was going to leave server
  12. SPS and OL are fine for me but i prefer sps, i think its because i like jon irenicus :P
  13. it was Duke Nukem 3D and i was something around 8 yo ;) Shake it baby!
  14. in this time its really hard for good strategy i can recommend you sins of solar empire, game is quite new ; hearts of iron 3 they are quite new but if u like older games then its nothing to say but: age of empires ; warcraft ; starcraft ; sudden strike ; close combat Warhhamer 40k is really nice, so like company of heroes (similar games)
  15. ok i just finish that game :) its really cool and it deserve 7+/10 game requirements are really low, i had all graphic options set on full and i didint have any lags (sempr 2800+,1gb ram, rad 3850). Anyway graphic presents really nice so its big plus for develepers for optimalization. One thing i didint like in graphic - colors. I think my eyes might be really f**ed up but spending long time in "woal" makes my eyes really hurt :P I liked conception with "freedom" in walking in town. It makes that game longer and more exciting. Game isnt so hard, i played on hard mode and only few moments were really quite hard (like final boss). Woal powers make that game really easy to pass. AI is not so good like i expect from new games, but hell, i think that game is about killing natzis so its OK ;) I really recommend that game!
  16. it will be probably clone of WoW, just liek Warhammer anyway im sure that i'll try it because im SW fan :D
  17. i played WoW several times and i really liked exping system but i prefer pvp i i choose L2 exping in L2 at low rates is really boring if u are alone but it gives a lot of fun from killing others :D
  18. imo its useful but in pve ofc someone could have DS+12 instead of SS just for exping and making ds +12 is cheaper than making SS so it might be good option to ppl that have a lot of ewc
  19. i checked ghost sentinel but thats because i like daggers and archers imo they are best in pvp (in good hands ofc)
  20. rune looks really epic :) it reminds me lords of the ring a little but i dont know why aden is cool too but not so much like rune
  21. i agree zaken ARGHH ARGHH
  22. my favourite list from sidereel + also it should be some more tv shows but its like cancelled before i maked my acc so i didint mark it ;P stargate series FTW !!!
  23. im waiting for all blizzard games... imo there wasnt produced good game since loong time and they still make sequel of good games but they dont even try to make something innovative (i mean all game industry)
  24. I was quiting l2 few times :) now i play with friend just for fun, mostly to pk some newbies. I think is more healthy to play 1-2h a day than play like nolife 4-8h a day because game gets boring too fast
  25. hail to the king !! Duke Nukem rocks !! he even can jew bubble gum and kick alien asses but hes always out of gum Duke Nukem 3D was my first game so its kinda nostalgic :D
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