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About deadone

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. actually if 2 guys play 1v1 same class same gear same enchant etc. etc.... it will be a match of luck cus the 1 guy maybe give more crits and do less misses or blow more strikes or even do more magic crits and do less interrupts... so its about luck
  2. 1rst hello im a friend of ryan. i have to inform u that soul crystals will be dropped from the event raid so whats the big deal^^ Only 50 votes... Now about how many sc it will drop we dont know excactly.If u want give us ur opinion about that. :)
  3. kaliteri armor einai i imperial oso gia dyes 8a protimousa +4str -4 con/+1str -1con/+4dex -4con
  4. ego psifisa gia tn paladin otan einai me buffs to pet t DA tote nikaei ean omos dn exei buffs t pet tote paladin FTW :P
  5. om MXC best farmer think so is necro,sph
  6. I am a friend of the owner but as soon ill get the infos i will update it
  7. [move]http://l2houligans.blogspot.com/[/move] Server Features *Mana Potion *TvT Event every Hour *Customed armors of some football teams(after 52 lvl you can buy a B grade armor customized to your favorite football team) *Save Enchant:5 *Max Enchant:20 *Enchant Rate:80% *Offline Trading/Crafting *Class master Rates *Exp:x5 *SP:x5 *Adena:x6 *Drop:x5 Create your houligan team and start your team-clan pvp. [move]http://l2houligans.blogspot.com/[/move]
  8. i like more Jester Hat it looks funny :P
  9. filos to l2net mporei na doulebei telia se olous ts server me host (apo oti 3ero). 1rst) o racesupremacy doulebei me diko tou system. 2nd) iparxi kapios tropos gia na baleis to l2net xoris host?
  10. kai bromai olo to spiti-klania
  11. Ο Γιωρίκας και ο Κωστίκας δουλεύουν στη ΝΑΣΑ καθαρίζοντας πυραύλους. Από τη πολύ κούρασή έχουν τρελαθεί στη δίψα και θέλουν κάτι να πιούν. Βλέπουν ένα κουβά με ένα υγρό και κατεβάζουν ο καθένας από μισό. Το βράδυ παίρνει τηλέφωνο ο Γιωρίκας τον Κωστίκα. - "Βρε Κωστίκα, ξέρεις τι ήταν αυτό που ήπιαμε το μεσημέρι;" - "Νερό, δεν ήταν βρε Γιωρίκα;" - "Όχι Κωστίκα δεν ήταν νερό αλλά προωθητικό πυραύλων." - "Ε! και τι έγινε δεν πάθαμε τίποτα." - "Δεν πάθαμε τίποτα αλλά μην κλάσεις, γιατί εγώ τηλεφωνώ από Τόκιο!"
  12. l2racesupremacy.com!!!O kaliteros server gia mena me pola diafora epic opos (armor/weapon/masks).
  13. ti dld mono an exei pk?an dn exei dn ginete na t pareis??:S
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