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Everything posted by WebM0nst3r

  1. Anway new category added so everybody can be happy ^^ The Best Signature (made by own users) The Best Signature (made by other Designers)
  2. i didn't knew it, can u please tell me which sigs are yours ? :D
  3. Epic Song 0hAET7QTlQ8&feature=related
  4. Haz4rD's signature removed new rule added you can register a signature only if it's made by you.
  5. WILL come out why we should make new boards for a future game ? :S
  6. @Noble yeah is kinda "BOOM" when someone start saying epic fail things in your topic, some friends of mine and morian's ofc can understand the joke, if someone can't is not nessecary to post lmao, because i am a Global Mod doesn't mean that i am a human too and i have a self respect so i'll don't leave some kids imo to flame my personality ;). I Don't care what they said, i don't care how many pm's said, i don't care if they don't respect me if they don't respect me if i am a global mod, i don't care for what they doing at all ;) I got members - friends in this forum which know me personal and know what person i am and they probably know how to reply on a topic ;) yes daddy xD okay i have to apologise to the members that they didn't like my replies and i kinda attack them ;) bbz <3 still no hard feelings...
  7. thanks seeya i took a psd from ya and made my signature + avatar (always with credits :D) <3 ya :P
  8. gt autos logika anebase tragoudi k ta dikaiomata tou tragoudiou einai katoxiromena stin ameriki, opote emeis edw eimaste oi malakas epeiedi kamia ellhniki eteria dn plirose gia na ta parei opote QQ :P
  9. 0xa0xa0x0a 3ekinises pali esu ? :D
  10. 75% of players cheated Cs Mods where players and not specs 3-4 players logged out so we had to wait more than 20 minutes to find another player to replace him My opinion ? event messed up . . .
  11. if you say one more time and then i will come in there and i will put your pc in your $@# haha :P Dude, where's my car ?
  12. and then check the leeching links to find out what happened :P
  13. okay to day i found 2 leeching forums http://www.maxbastards.freehostia.com and http://www.maxscript.freehostia.com omg what happened ? MaxBastards.Freehostia Hello, We have suspended the reported account immediately. Thank you for the assistance. Best Regards, Miles support@freehostia.com http://www.freehostia.com MaxScript.Freehostia.Com Hello, I am glad to inform you that the reported site is already blocked from our end.Thank you for assistance. Best Regards Max <3 leechers =]
  14. miso na paroume tilefwno to fantasma na parei kaliteri poza re c xD, opos to prolabe o fakos einai s lew ! ean to kaneis zoom xalaei i piotita tis eikonas.
  15. edw re paidia min m peite oti dn to blepete :S
  16. btw the one i'm learning on guitar atm xCF19cBWb0I
  17. i pic einai 100% ali8inoi k sou anefera xaraktiristika tin istoria tis :S
  18. okay tote des kai tin dikia mou istoria. Τον Δεκέμβρη του 1987 ένα κοριτσάκι μόλις 18 μηνών άφησε την τελευταία της πνοή σε ένα σπίτι στο μικρό χωριο Connecticut τις Αμερικής, το κοριτσάκι λέγανε μερικοί χωρικοί πως ήταν δαιμονισμένο καθώς κάθε βραδυ ακούγονταν ουρλιαχτά από εκείνο το σπίτι,φήμες επίσης αναφέρουν πως η ίδια η μητέρα της μικρής Sindy στραγγάλισε την κόρη της για να γλιτώσει από αυτό το δαιμονισμένο παιδί. 27 Ιανουαρίου του 1996 το σπίτι πουλήθηκε στην οικογένεια Scoliono, 16 Δεκεμρίου του 1997 10 χρονια ακριβώς μετά τον θάνατο τις μικρής Sindy αναφέρει με ανατριχιαστικές λεπτομέρειες ο Elaine Scoliono πως βουβές κραυγές ακούγονταν από την είσοδο και το χολ του σπιτιού, την επομενη μέρα κιόλας τηλεφώνησε στο κοντινότερο μεσιτικό γραφείο για να πουλήσει το σπίτι, το γραφείο ανταποκρίθηκε και ήρθαν άμεσος για να βγάλουν τις καθιερωμένες φωτογραφίες - δείγματα για τους υποψηφιους αγοραστές, κοιτάξτε όμως τι τράβηξε ο φακός την ώρα που φωτογράφιζαν το χολ του σπιτιού. Κοιτάξτε προσεκτικά την πόρτα πίσω από το τραπεζάκι.
  19. i always loved this songs <3 dOibtqWo6z4 i like most of metallica songs :P
  20. kt ? sigoura xriazese ou8almiatro :S
  21. ALT+F4 in your GS and LS 0.14 upload ? wtf ?
  22. edw edw eimai !!!! (mipos na balw katw apo tin pic ena desined by webm0nst3r ? xD na min me psaxnoun gia polu kairo :D) peite pos einai to fantasma tou MJ k exw ginei diasimos :P
  23. who told ya this ? i pay for the machine too so i am an owner too (i am gm only in game :S)
  24. dn me paratate oloi me to kefali ? na balw ton akefalo kabalari p dn exei kefali ! xDxD
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